Everyone has those dirty little secrets about themselves that they like to keep hidden. You know, parts of your personality; that if were to get out would destroy or taint what little credibility you have with your friends and family. You know like... like... liking ABBA. Okay I said!!!
I-like-ABBA, so fuck you!... Now before you start tuning-out let me get on with my point. In the world of the beer-snob there are all kinds people with little dark secrets. You know, that guy who only drinks true Belgium beers, but keeps a "Natty-Light" hidden in the back of the fridge "just in case" someone comes by. My dark beer secrets are PBR and Blue Moon. Again, fuck you!
I can't help you with the PBR. There are thousands of alternatives to hide your proclivity for cheap beers, but if your embarrassed to show up with the Blue Moon or simply want an alternative to it, I have a great and somewhat better alternative in Hoegaarden. Some would say this is the Witbier that all others are judged. I'm not sure about that but it is quite good and widely available around the Wasatch Front.
Poured into a branded Hoegaarden glass a dull, cloudy yellow color with a frothy two fingers of head. The nose is sweet and fruity with banana, pear and sweet melon. Taste starts with sweet spices, banana, melon and some coriander. Next comes notes of bready wheat, but the fruit flavors dominate. The finish was very mild with light, floral hops. The mouthfeel is light with moderate carbonation. 4.9% abv. This is a great summer session beer. Very drinkable because of it's light body, well-balanced; smooth and creamy flavor. Mama-Mia!