We've got a ton of new beers this week from all over the place including Italy, Denmark and a far off place called Vernal, Utah.
Vernal Brewing - She's a Peach: The nose reeks of peaches. This high peach flavor continues all the way
with this thing--there is very little else to it. If you like peach,
this beer is for you. If you don't, you won't make it through the pint. The mouthfeel is quick and smooth. A fine summer beer. 4.0% ABV @ Vernal Brewing, and Vernal accounts
Sierra Nevada - Oktoberfest: Pours a deep orange-amber with a nose that is malty, grainy, and has a hint of noble hops. The taste is huge on caramel, bread, honey, brown sugar, raisin, and Grape Nuts. Grassy and herbal noble hop comes out strong in the finish. Mouthfeel leans towards thick and is sticky. 6.0% ABV @ DABC
Cristoffel Nobel: Me no try yet. It's described as having a cloudy yellowish amber appearance. the nose is fragrant with fruit and noble hops. The taste is harp & dry bitterness. Alcoholic presence is felt. Oily,resiny & woody finish.Medium body but a little fat in mouth. Drinkability is ok. 8.7% ABV. @ Bayou
Brewfist Spaceman IPA: Me no try yet. It's described as having a slightly cloudy medium yellow with deeper orange colour in the middle. The nose has grapefruit, peach and mango up front with some sweet honey and caramel aromas present as well. The taste is bitter up front with some tropical fruit and grapefruit notes present. A somewhat dank flavor is present, some sweet caramel present as well. 7.0% ABV @ Bayou
Brewfist X Ray Porter: Me no try yet. It's described as having a very dark appearance with a fluffy mocha head that sustains nicely. The nose is of powder chocolate and a hint of grass. The taste is of chocolate and slightly fruity esters but leans more towards the chocolate and earthy hops initially with the dark fruits coming through in the finish. 8.5% ABV @ Bayou
To Øl - By Utter Means: Me no try yet. Pours an opaque dark brown, two fingers of light brown foam. The nose has milk chocolate, musty/roasty grain. The taste starts earthy with molasses, fudge, some light toasted bread. Substantial hop balance is earthy and otherwise nondescript bittering hops. Body is a little lighter than expected. 7.0% ABV @ Bayou
To Øl - Black Malts and Body Salts: Me no try yet. Pours out pitch black, with an inch and a half of creamy, tan head. The nose has hints of coffee and roasted malts with a bit of citrus and tropical fruit. The taste has coffee, creamy chocolate, orange and pine are right up front in this one, slight floral taste near the end. Very well rounded flavor. Thicker body, a bit heavy on the carbonation. 9.9% ABV @ Bayou
To Øl - Nordic by Nature: Me no try yet. The nose is all IPA, strong lemon, grapefruit, and orange zest rolled in with some good hops. The lacing is quite awesome too! The flavor is clean, tart at first and then the bitterness kicks in, I think is this very well done. Citrus flavors dominate the overall character of this beer, you get a combination of Orange, lemon and grapefruit the entire time you’re drinking this beer. The hops show up in its aftertaste and they do not disappoint. 6.5% ABV @ Bayou
To Øl - Dangerously Close to Stupid IIPA: Me no try yet. The nose gives you a fair warning of what to expect from this beer, tropical fruits such as pineapple, mango, orange, grapefruit. The taste is the same. Very juicy and fruity with a pretty sharp bitterness.The exotic fruits is definitely present just like on the nose, sweetness from mango/pineapple and orange/grape on the citrus parts. Alcohol is well masked and the bitterness rounds off well. 9.3% ABV @ Bayou
Amager - Batch One: Me no try yet. Pours a cloudy red-orange amber. Moderate one finger light tan head and nice lacing. Aroma of caramel malt and a hint of light fruit. Caramel and sweet malt, slight light fruit, some vanilla and dark fruit. Abrupt bitter finish without aromatic hops. Moderate, creamy body. A decent moderately complex barley wine, but does not stand out in the crowd. 9.2% ABV
Amager Ryeking: Me no try yet. The color is black while the dark brown enormous head is compact and takes a really long time to settle. The nose has roasted malts with a dose of rye, coffee and dried fruits.The taste starts with roasted rye, dried fruits and chocolate. Espresso rounds out the end with a finish that has burned bitter notes. 7.7% ABV @ Bayou
Xbeeriment #44 Smoked Stout: Me no try yet. Aroma of smoky toasted malt, mild chocolate and brown sugar. Flavor is dark toasted malt, charred coffee, milk chocolate, finishing with smoky dark malt with a hint of wood ash, more post-fire than smoky. Nice medium, lightly creamy body. A somewhat dry stout, leaning towards a foreign / export stout profile. The smoke is rather subdued, leaving a faint memory of the fire rather than smoke in one's eye and is mostly present in the finish.. Pleasant and full flavored, but I'd like just a little stronger malt support for the smoke in the finish.
Nøgne Ø /Terapin Imperial Rye Porter: Me no try yet. Pitch black with a thick, creamy, tan 2 finger head. Nose has coffee, roasted malts, dark fruits, booze, and tropical hops.
The taste starts with dark, sweet fruits up front. Big chocolate, roasted malts, caramel, toffee, coffee, and a little licorice follows. Creamy chocolate is the boss of this beer, but its other parts compliment it wonderfully. Beautifully balanced and complex. Hoppy tropical fruit flavor pops in and out as it warms. 9.0% ABV @ Bayou
Haandbryggeriet - Norwegian Wood: Me no try yet. Smells of roasted malt, sweet malt, slight hops, smoke, hint of coffee, hint of chocolate, and a hint of yeast. Fits the style of a Smoked Beer. Mouth feel is sharp and crisp, with a high carbonation level. Tastes of strong smoke, roasted malt, slight sweet malt, slight hop, and slight chocolate. 6.5% ABV @ Bayou
Haandbryggeriet - Norse Porter: Me no try yet. Poured a pitch-black color porter with a large dark brown foamy head with good retention and some lacing. Aroma of dry roasted malt with some strong dry coffee notes is very interesting. Taste is also dominated by dry roasted malt with huge coffee notes which are well balanced and avoid entering into astringency territory. Body is quite full for style with good carbonation and no apparent alcohol. Enjoyable beer with strong roasted/coffee notes.6.0% ABV @ Bayou
Utah Brewery Map
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
New Epic Growlers
You may have noticed that Epic Brewing is one of the few breweries in the state that doesn't offer growlers for their customers. The primary reason was that Epic only made "high point" beers and since growlers in Utah are primarily poured from taps - and Epic has no taps - growlers were'nt an option.
Apparently that is no longer the case. After checking with the DABC, it was ruled that Epic can fill a standard growler with any of their beers as long as it prepackaged and meets packaging and size requirements. So starting Thursday August 6th, Epic Brewing in Salt Lake City will begin selling prepackaged growlers.
Epic will rotate through its selection of over 40 beers, offering a different beer each week. Growlers will go on sale every Thursday morning until sold out. The cost will be $10, $16, or $20 depending upon which beer is packaged. There is an additional $6 growler deposit which will be refunded upon the return of a clean Epic growler. No other generic or brewery's containers will be accepted.
The first release will be Hopulent IPA, $16 plus deposit. Weekly brand announcements will be made on Epic Brewing's social media accounts. Twitter: @EpicBrewing Instagram: EpicBrewing Facebook: Epic Brewing Company. The Utah Beer Blog will also spread the word as soon as we get the info. What are your thoughts on this new packaging option?
Apparently that is no longer the case. After checking with the DABC, it was ruled that Epic can fill a standard growler with any of their beers as long as it prepackaged and meets packaging and size requirements. So starting Thursday August 6th, Epic Brewing in Salt Lake City will begin selling prepackaged growlers.
Epic will rotate through its selection of over 40 beers, offering a different beer each week. Growlers will go on sale every Thursday morning until sold out. The cost will be $10, $16, or $20 depending upon which beer is packaged. There is an additional $6 growler deposit which will be refunded upon the return of a clean Epic growler. No other generic or brewery's containers will be accepted.
The first release will be Hopulent IPA, $16 plus deposit. Weekly brand announcements will be made on Epic Brewing's social media accounts. Twitter: @EpicBrewing Instagram: EpicBrewing Facebook: Epic Brewing Company. The Utah Beer Blog will also spread the word as soon as we get the info. What are your thoughts on this new packaging option?
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
2015 Utah Beer Festival: Participating Breweries
We got our hands on the list of breweries that will be pouring their suds at this year's Utah Beer Festival. It looks like there will be over 50 different breweries pouring this year - that's defiantly a record for any beerfest in the state thus far. Conservatively that will equate to over 200 different beers that will be offered-up for the tasting.
You'll get 5 starter tokens when you enter the festival, that way you can start sampling beers right away, no waiting to buy tokens to get your first sip of beer. All draft beers/draft ciders are available in both 5oz sample pours or 12 oz. pours. High point beers will be poured into your 5oz taster mug. All draft samples are 1 token, high point samples range from 2-4 tokens (90% fall under the 2 token price). 12oz. beer prices vary from 3-5 tokens based on the price of the beer. Additional tokens can be purchased at one of the two token booths located at the festival. You can buy 5 for $5.
2 Row Brewing
Ace Hard Cider
Anchor Brewing
Angry Orchard
Anheuser Busch
Annex by Epic Brewing
Avenues Proper
Ballast Point
Black Diamond Brewery
Boulder Beer
Boulevard Brewing
Constellation Brands
Desert Edge
Deschutes Brewery
Epic Brewing
Firestone Walker Brewing
Full Sail Brewing
Heineken USA/ Strongbow
Hoppers Grill and Brewing
Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Moab Brewery
New Belgium Brewing
Park City Brewery
Pelican Brewing
Red Hook
RedRock High-Point
Roosters Brewing
Samuel Adams
Shades of Pale
Sierra Nevada
Sockeye Brewing
Squatters/Wasatch High-point
Upslope Brewing
Vermont Hard Cider
Vernal Brewing
Wing Nutz
Some of the breweries above are listed by their importer/distributor - so count on a few more breweries to be added to this list. Hope to see you there!
You'll get 5 starter tokens when you enter the festival, that way you can start sampling beers right away, no waiting to buy tokens to get your first sip of beer. All draft beers/draft ciders are available in both 5oz sample pours or 12 oz. pours. High point beers will be poured into your 5oz taster mug. All draft samples are 1 token, high point samples range from 2-4 tokens (90% fall under the 2 token price). 12oz. beer prices vary from 3-5 tokens based on the price of the beer. Additional tokens can be purchased at one of the two token booths located at the festival. You can buy 5 for $5.
2 Row Brewing
Ace Hard Cider
Anchor Brewing
Angry Orchard
Anheuser Busch
Annex by Epic Brewing
Avenues Proper
Ballast Point
Black Diamond Brewery
Boulder Beer
Boulevard Brewing
Constellation Brands
Desert Edge
Deschutes Brewery
Epic Brewing
Firestone Walker Brewing
Full Sail Brewing
Heineken USA/ Strongbow
Hoppers Grill and Brewing
Leinenkugel Brewing Company
Moab Brewery
New Belgium Brewing
Park City Brewery
Pelican Brewing
Red Hook
RedRock High-Point
Roosters Brewing
Samuel Adams
Shades of Pale
Sierra Nevada
Sockeye Brewing
Squatters/Wasatch High-point
Upslope Brewing
Vermont Hard Cider
Vernal Brewing
Wing Nutz
Some of the breweries above are listed by their importer/distributor - so count on a few more breweries to be added to this list. Hope to see you there!
Friday, July 24, 2015
New Beer Friday: Pie & Beer Day Edition
Oh yeah, Baby! It's New Beer Friday, and if that's not enough for you to celebrate it's also Pie & Beer Day! I know that many of you have your Pie & Beer Day celebrations already planned out. Weather your celebrating at home with friends and family or hitting some of the many planned events around the Wasatch Front, these great new beer option can only make your day better.
Squatters - Safety Meeting IPA: All Vienna malts and 100% Summit hops - create a damn refreshing citrus blast in this seasonal session IPA. 4.0% ABV @Squatters - Pair with Cheesecake
Pelican - Golden Pelican: Herbal, fruity and hoppy nose with a spicy rye flavor profile that works well with the fruity and spicy Aramis hops and farmhouse yeast. 8.5% ABV @Beerhive, Beer Bar, Slackwater, Bayou - Pair with Cherry Pie
Pelican - Flock Wave Pale Ale: Bright floral and citrusy nose. The taste has smooth wheat characteristics with a crisp citrus peel snap. Finishes light and dry. 5.9% ABV @Beerhive, Beer Bar, Slackwater, Bayou - Pairs with Rhubarb Pie
Full Sail - Session IPA: Light citrus in the nose. The taste is slightly grassy with cirus and pine beneth. Malts are light. Refreshing light body. It's not going to blow your mind but it'll do. 5.1% ABV @Beer Bar - Pairs with Quiche
Aztec -Sacrifice Red India Ale: Dank, hoppy nose. The hoppy bitterness comes on strong and lingers throughout. Big caramel and roast malt flavors are intense as well. Quite dry and roasty for a Red Ale. 7.6% ABV @Beer Bar, Slackwater, Barrelhouse - Pairs with Pecan Pie
Aztec - Hop Serpent: Flowery and piney nose with a nice woody malty taste. A hint of char comes next with herbal hops and apricot. Interesting IPA. 9.9% ABV @ Beer Bar, Slackwater, Barrelhouse - Pairs with Apple Pie
Shiner - Ruby Redbird: This Radler has a spicy grapefruit nose and a palate to match. The taste is mostly grapefruit with ginger ale backing it up. This has much more of a snap than your typical raddler. 4.0% ABV @ Harmons - Pairs with Custard Pie
Santa Fe - Black IPA: Roasted malt, pine and orange peel in the nose. The taste starts with a big dose of char and toffee. Strong piney hops come next with a hint of citrus in the back. Finished bone dry. I think I'm loosing my enthusiasm for the Black IPAs. It's a good representation of the style. 7.1% ABV @ Beer Bar, Slackwater Pairs with Black Berry Pie
Deschutes - Pine Drops: Big piney/citrusy nose. Herbal up front with a nice dose of honey malt. The rest of the beer is an onslaught of resinous pine and citrus. So damn tasty! 6.1% ABV @ Beer Bar - pair with Key Lime Pie
Have fun and be safe this weekend.
Squatters - Safety Meeting IPA: All Vienna malts and 100% Summit hops - create a damn refreshing citrus blast in this seasonal session IPA. 4.0% ABV @Squatters - Pair with Cheesecake
Pelican - Golden Pelican: Herbal, fruity and hoppy nose with a spicy rye flavor profile that works well with the fruity and spicy Aramis hops and farmhouse yeast. 8.5% ABV @Beerhive, Beer Bar, Slackwater, Bayou - Pair with Cherry Pie
Pelican - Flock Wave Pale Ale: Bright floral and citrusy nose. The taste has smooth wheat characteristics with a crisp citrus peel snap. Finishes light and dry. 5.9% ABV @Beerhive, Beer Bar, Slackwater, Bayou - Pairs with Rhubarb Pie
Full Sail - Session IPA: Light citrus in the nose. The taste is slightly grassy with cirus and pine beneth. Malts are light. Refreshing light body. It's not going to blow your mind but it'll do. 5.1% ABV @Beer Bar - Pairs with Quiche
Aztec -Sacrifice Red India Ale: Dank, hoppy nose. The hoppy bitterness comes on strong and lingers throughout. Big caramel and roast malt flavors are intense as well. Quite dry and roasty for a Red Ale. 7.6% ABV @Beer Bar, Slackwater, Barrelhouse - Pairs with Pecan Pie
Aztec - Hop Serpent: Flowery and piney nose with a nice woody malty taste. A hint of char comes next with herbal hops and apricot. Interesting IPA. 9.9% ABV @ Beer Bar, Slackwater, Barrelhouse - Pairs with Apple Pie
Shiner - Ruby Redbird: This Radler has a spicy grapefruit nose and a palate to match. The taste is mostly grapefruit with ginger ale backing it up. This has much more of a snap than your typical raddler. 4.0% ABV @ Harmons - Pairs with Custard Pie
Santa Fe - Black IPA: Roasted malt, pine and orange peel in the nose. The taste starts with a big dose of char and toffee. Strong piney hops come next with a hint of citrus in the back. Finished bone dry. I think I'm loosing my enthusiasm for the Black IPAs. It's a good representation of the style. 7.1% ABV @ Beer Bar, Slackwater Pairs with Black Berry Pie
Deschutes - Pine Drops: Big piney/citrusy nose. Herbal up front with a nice dose of honey malt. The rest of the beer is an onslaught of resinous pine and citrus. So damn tasty! 6.1% ABV @ Beer Bar - pair with Key Lime Pie
Have fun and be safe this weekend.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Pie and Beer Day Events
Not much happening this week, but there will be shload of Pie and Beer Day events to check out tomorrow. Here's what I've been able to confirm is happening along the Wasatch Front. Not seeing your event? Please share!
BarrelHouse - 315 24th Street, Ogden's BarrelHouse has teamed up with Pretty Smitty Pies to pair four (from scratch) pies with some of the BarrelHouses finest beers. Starts at 5pm and goes 'til there ain't no more pie. $5 per pie/beer sampler.
Beer Bar - 161 E. 200 South, Salt Lake City from 3 p.m. until the pie runs out.
Pie Pass is $20 at the door, and includes five pieces of pie. Beer
additional. Proceeds benefit KRCL Radio.
Salt Lake Acting Company -
168 W. 500 North, Salt Lake City. SLAC is encouraging patrons to bring
pie and beer to Friday’s production of “Saturday’s Voyeur.” Showtime is
moved up to 6 p.m. so guests can be out in time to see fireworks.
Tickets at 801-363-7522 or saltlakeactingcompany.org
Shooting Star Saloon - 7350 E. 200 South, Huntsville; 801-745-2002. Apple or berry pie à la mode served until pie runs out. Draft beers available.
Squatters Brewery - 147 W. 300 South, Salt Lake City; 801-363-2739. Serving slices of peanut butter pie for $2.50; and draft beers for $2.50
Uinta Brewing - 1722 S. Fremont Drive, Salt Lake City; 801-467-0228. Stop by the newly remodeled Brewhouse pub for pie and draft beers.
Wasatch Brew Pub - 2110 S. Highland Drive, Salt Lake City, 801-783-1127. Serving slices of peanut butter pie for $2.50 and draft beers for $2.50
Note: there is no Pie & Beer Day event at the Annex
Note: there is no Pie & Beer Day event at the Annex
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Utah Pie & Beer Day
What is Pie and Beer Day? At it's most basic it's a play on words: "Pie and Beer" sounds like "Pioneer". It's origins are vague and it's time in Utah is unknown, but what we do
know that it has been deemed important and it's here to stay. What was once reserved for backyard
gatherings and tavern revelry is now out of the shadows of the
Pioneers and ready for it's time in the light.
If you're like me and tend to spend any time here at the Utah beer Blog, your connection to Pioneer Day in Utah is mostly that of a spectator - you understand why some may find it important, but for the most part it's just a waste of a free day. Pie and Beer Day was created as a counter culture alternative for people that don't fit into the established green jello and hand cart mold that has been around for generations.
Every year, Pie and Beer Day's momentum increases. More and more people are discovering what this wonderfully kitschy day has to offer. It's not just about drinking beer or filling our, er... "pie holes" with pie but that other non-LDS cultures matter and that our way of celebrating life in Utah is just as legitimate.
The Pie and Beer Day manual is short and brief. Gather friends and/or family - bring pie and beer - have and consume. It's been this way for years and it's a formula that has proven to work.
If you're looking to step up your game and get out of the back yard, KRCL and SLC's Beer Bar are putting on their Second Annual Pie and Beer Day Celebration. The event is a fundraiser for the radio station and will feature pies and beers that are specifically paired for maximum enjoyment.
Look for pies (both sweet and savory) from Eva's Bakery - Copper Onion - Pago - Carluccis' Bakery - Tulie Bakery - Cafe Trio - 3 Cups - Great Harvest - Beer Bar and Taqueria 27
The locally made beers will be provided by RedRock - Squatters - Uinta - Wasatch - Bohemian - 2 Row - Shades of Pale - Hoppers - Desert Edge and Epic Brewing.
The event is on Friday July 24th (Pie and Beer Day) and will go from 3pm-5pm at The Beer Bar located at 161 e. 200 s. in SLC. This event is limited so you're thinking of showing up at 4pm your likely to be SOL. If you can't make it to Beer Bar, create your own celebration. You can't lose! We're talking pie and beer folks.
If you're like me and tend to spend any time here at the Utah beer Blog, your connection to Pioneer Day in Utah is mostly that of a spectator - you understand why some may find it important, but for the most part it's just a waste of a free day. Pie and Beer Day was created as a counter culture alternative for people that don't fit into the established green jello and hand cart mold that has been around for generations.
Every year, Pie and Beer Day's momentum increases. More and more people are discovering what this wonderfully kitschy day has to offer. It's not just about drinking beer or filling our, er... "pie holes" with pie but that other non-LDS cultures matter and that our way of celebrating life in Utah is just as legitimate.

If you're looking to step up your game and get out of the back yard, KRCL and SLC's Beer Bar are putting on their Second Annual Pie and Beer Day Celebration. The event is a fundraiser for the radio station and will feature pies and beers that are specifically paired for maximum enjoyment.
Look for pies (both sweet and savory) from Eva's Bakery - Copper Onion - Pago - Carluccis' Bakery - Tulie Bakery - Cafe Trio - 3 Cups - Great Harvest - Beer Bar and Taqueria 27
The locally made beers will be provided by RedRock - Squatters - Uinta - Wasatch - Bohemian - 2 Row - Shades of Pale - Hoppers - Desert Edge and Epic Brewing.
The event is on Friday July 24th (Pie and Beer Day) and will go from 3pm-5pm at The Beer Bar located at 161 e. 200 s. in SLC. This event is limited so you're thinking of showing up at 4pm your likely to be SOL. If you can't make it to Beer Bar, create your own celebration. You can't lose! We're talking pie and beer folks.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Oskar Blues is Coming
In March of 2015 Oskar Blues acquired Perrin Brewing Co. out Michigan - this acquisition was backed by a significant investments from Fireman Capital Partners, a Boston-based private equity firm that already has significant investments in two Utah-based craft brewers — Wasatch and Squatters, which make up the Utah Brewers Cooperative.
Now that you have an idea of who Oskar Blues is, here's what you really care about. Which of their beers are coming to Utah? Oskar Blues current standard line up of beer consists of seven labels: Dale's Pale Ale, Mama's Little Yella Pils, Pinner, Old Chub, Old Chub Nitro, Deviant Dale's and G'Knight. It's likely most or all of these will be in the market in the next few months.
These are quality beers from a great brewery, any thoughts on Oskar Blues hitting the market?
Friday, July 10, 2015
New Beer Friday 7/10/15
Uinta - Ales for ALS Red IPL: Pours a ruby/amber color with a nice long lasting cap of foam. Big citrus peel and pine in the nose. The taste starts juicy with orange and tangerine. Subtle caramel malts come next with pine resins rounding out the back end. The finish is fairly bitter and dry. Nice take on an India Pale Lager! 6.2% ABV @ Uinta, Beer Bar, Beerhive
Bohemian - Brewers Stache Munich Helles: Bohemian Brewery's newest "Brewer'stache" is a classic Munich Helles with a twist. The traditional smooth pilsener malts give way to the addition of Sterling hops. This hop variety is an American derivative of classic Czech Saaz and brings with it expected spicy flavor and herbal aroma. Hopped exclusively with Sterling, this lager is a great example of how a beer can be hoppy without the bitterness. Available only at Bohemian's pub in Midvale. Don't wait too long! 4.0% ABV @ Bohemian
Wasatch Lemon Drop Saison: Pours a cloudy golden straw color with a nice pillowy white head. The nose is very light with some spicy yeast phenols. The taste is classic saison with nice clove and coriander spices on top of toasted grains. The Lemon Drop hops add a pleasant lemongrass bitterenss that counters the spiciness from the yeast. Nice light and easy drinking. 4.0% ABV @ Squatters & Wasatch locations - Wing Nuts too. Should be popping up on Wasatch/Squatters seasonal taps around town soon.
Hive - Raspberry Jalapeno Stinger Hard Apple Cider: Hive's ninth hard cider is born from their beloved Raspberry Stinger Hard Cider which has been infused with fresh jalapenos. The jalapeno and raspberry front the taste buds with a full apple finish. The heat level on this stinger balances beautifully with the flavors and would be best described as mild. 6.9% ABV @ Hive Winery and Brandy Company in Layton, The Bayou and Slackwater Pizzeria in Ogden.
Uinta is also starting their own Firkin Friday this week in their newly remodeled Brewhouse Pub. The debut firkin will be HooDoo Kolsch w/ 3 lbs of locally sourced peaches. 4.0% ABV The tapping will be at 5pm.
Did I miss something? Please share what you've found locally and where we can find it!
Bohemian - Brewers Stache Munich Helles: Bohemian Brewery's newest "Brewer'stache" is a classic Munich Helles with a twist. The traditional smooth pilsener malts give way to the addition of Sterling hops. This hop variety is an American derivative of classic Czech Saaz and brings with it expected spicy flavor and herbal aroma. Hopped exclusively with Sterling, this lager is a great example of how a beer can be hoppy without the bitterness. Available only at Bohemian's pub in Midvale. Don't wait too long! 4.0% ABV @ Bohemian
Wasatch Lemon Drop Saison: Pours a cloudy golden straw color with a nice pillowy white head. The nose is very light with some spicy yeast phenols. The taste is classic saison with nice clove and coriander spices on top of toasted grains. The Lemon Drop hops add a pleasant lemongrass bitterenss that counters the spiciness from the yeast. Nice light and easy drinking. 4.0% ABV @ Squatters & Wasatch locations - Wing Nuts too. Should be popping up on Wasatch/Squatters seasonal taps around town soon.
Hive - Raspberry Jalapeno Stinger Hard Apple Cider: Hive's ninth hard cider is born from their beloved Raspberry Stinger Hard Cider which has been infused with fresh jalapenos. The jalapeno and raspberry front the taste buds with a full apple finish. The heat level on this stinger balances beautifully with the flavors and would be best described as mild. 6.9% ABV @ Hive Winery and Brandy Company in Layton, The Bayou and Slackwater Pizzeria in Ogden.
Uinta is also starting their own Firkin Friday this week in their newly remodeled Brewhouse Pub. The debut firkin will be HooDoo Kolsch w/ 3 lbs of locally sourced peaches. 4.0% ABV The tapping will be at 5pm.
Did I miss something? Please share what you've found locally and where we can find it!
Thursday, July 09, 2015
Roosters Celebrates 20 Years
Utah may not be a powerhouse in the craft beer scene compared to other states, but we've got some serious staying power with five breweries surpassing the 20 year mark. Tonight (July 9), Roosters Brewing Company joins Wasatch , Squatters, Uinta and RedRock as they celebrate their 20th
anniversary, with a pig roast, music and beer.
Roosters opened up in Ogden back in 1995, renovating a 119-year-old building that had been a Chinese laundry and a "house of ill repute" during 25th Street's "glory days". Brewmaster Steve Kirkland was Roosters' first employee, and he's still creating and brewing more than 26 unique beers, including their special anniversary Belgian Style Rye Ale featuring the brewery's original rooster logo. Chanticleer Belgian Rye is an earthy Belgian-style ale, enlivened with rye and possessing essences reminiscent of clove and citrus.
The all ages party kicks off tonight at 5pm and goes til dark at Rooster Ogden location - 253, 25th Street. Congrats Roosters on two great decades!
Roosters opened up in Ogden back in 1995, renovating a 119-year-old building that had been a Chinese laundry and a "house of ill repute" during 25th Street's "glory days". Brewmaster Steve Kirkland was Roosters' first employee, and he's still creating and brewing more than 26 unique beers, including their special anniversary Belgian Style Rye Ale featuring the brewery's original rooster logo. Chanticleer Belgian Rye is an earthy Belgian-style ale, enlivened with rye and possessing essences reminiscent of clove and citrus.
The all ages party kicks off tonight at 5pm and goes til dark at Rooster Ogden location - 253, 25th Street. Congrats Roosters on two great decades!
Friday, July 03, 2015
New Beer Friday - Independence Day Edition
Laughing Dog - Huckleberry Cream Ale: This new entry into the market pours a slightly hazy golden color with about a finger and a half of foam. The nose is mostly berries with grainy notes. The taste starts like the nose with big berry note and a touch of tartness. Malts hit the tongue next - caramel is there but subdued. Not much in the way hops - which is appropriate. This beer was definitely made for the summer heat. 4.0% ABV @Slackwater
2 Row - Dangereux Saison: Sadly I haven't had the chance to try this one yet. It's described as being a "big" saison with a good dose of phenolic spiciness with a big citrusy hop character. 9% ABV @ 2 Row and better beer bars
Anthem Cider - Anthem Hops: Anthem Cider’s tribute to the Northwest’s love of hops, Anthem Hops is a cider dry hopped with Oregon grown Cascade hops for over three weeks. The result is a light lagerish cider with all the beautiful citrus and floral aromas of Cascade hops with a only slight bitterness on the finish. Shy of Dry. Mild Tart. 10 IBU. 5.5% to 6.9% ABV. GLUTEN FREE. @Undercurrent
Uinta - Gluten Free Saison: Made with millet and buckwheat. The saison yeast takes on the brunt of the work complementing the tartness from the grain bill. Most of the people I takes to (including myself) found this to be a rather enjoyable gluten free beer. A nice saison. 4% ABV @Uinta's Brewhouse Pub.
Uinta - Gluten Free IPA: Made with millet and buckwheat. This one is hop forward like an IPA should be. There's a good amount of tangerine-like rind bitterness. There is some of that "gluten free" tartness as well. It is slightly thin, but they say that will be corrected in the next batch. 4% ABV @Uinta's Brewhouse Pub.
Vernal - Smoked Porter: Me no try yet. 4.0% ABV @ Vernal Brewing
Vernal - Pilgrimage Pale Ale: Me no try yet. 4.0% ABV @ Vernal Brewing
Vernal - Allosaurus Amber Ale: Me no try yet. 4.0% ABV @ Vernal Brewing
Vernal - Little Hole Lager: Me no try yet. 4.0% ABV @ Vernal Brewing
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