The following beers hail from all over Europe and the U.K. and are available right now at the Bayou.
Some are new, some are making a encore appearance. One thing is for sure they don't last long. You will not find such a varied selection anywhere in Utah.
Ølfabrikken Kloster Jul: Denmark
(The Beer Factory) is a small experimental brewery on the vibrant Danish
beer scene. Kloster Jul is a hoppy Christmas Ale brewed with large quantities of American Chinook hops and wonderfully spiced with coriander and cinnamon. 8.0%
Mikkeller Santa's Helper: Belgium
11% Belgian quadruple style ale. Delicious with big flavors of cookie dough,
chocolate, figs and spice. The addition of actual cocoa powder makes this one incredibly special. 11.0%
De Ranke Pere Noel: Belgium
The De Ranke brewers make small batches of what many consider the best specialty beers of Belgium. Their beers are robust and flavorful, and famous for their massive hoppiness. Pere Noel has a gorgeous cellar aroma with a distinctive hoppy dryness. A true Champagne of beers. 7.0%
Serafijn Christmas Angel: Belgium
A tiny Belgian brewery wedged into a crowded garage on a quiet street in a small Flemish town. Started by an ex music teacher, Achilles Van de Moer, makes simple, honest beers and takes as his symbol the Seraph, a six winged high angel of heaven. A hearty amber brew, well balanced and warming with just the right spirit. 8.0%
Jenlain Noel: France
This holiday beer comes from Brasserie Duyck, in the tiny agricultural town of Jenlain, in the northeast of France, quite near the Belgian border. Famous for their Saison style Farmhouse ales, Jenlain's holiday beer has a rich full sweetness with a tinge of orange peel. A great dark holiday ale. 6.8%
Deschutes Abyss: USA
Ranked #4 on BeerAdvocate.com's Top Beers on Planet Earth. The Abyss has huge depth and an amazingly rich and complex character. Full of licorish, molasses as well as coffee and roast, this 11% alcohol beer is one not to miss. 11.0%
Deschutes Jubel 2010: USA
This remarkable beer has been brewed only twice. Once in 2000 and again in 2010. Originally created when a clumsy burglar didn’t realize the weight of his stolen keg of Jubelale. He dropped it outside to freeze in the season’s subzero
temperatures only to be discovered the next morning by Gary Fish, Deschutes Brewery's owner. More than half the liquid in the keg had frozen and the remaining beer was a very cold, highly concentrated “Jubelale on steroids.” It was so good that the brewers set about recreating it (minus the freezing part) coming up with an annual “Super Jubel” that is aged in Oregon oak pinot barrels. 10.0%
Struise Tsjeeses: Belgium
A deep blonde abbey style tripel that has been aged for 8 months over different stone fruits. 10.0%
Thirez Bière de Noël: Belgium
A beautiful red/gold wheat beer, with quite subtle allspice and orange peel added. A slightly tart and quite refreshing festive brew. Champagne for the true beer lover. 6.0%
Bad Elf: UK
Old England meets the new world in this strong, warming winter IPA. 6.0%
Very Bad Elf: UK
Special Old Ale brewed from a 1795 recipe using speciallygrown
ingredients. 7.5%
Seriously Bad Elf: UK
An English Double Ale with a bit of Belgian character. Unique for the U.K. 9.0%
Criminally Bad Elf: UK
A boffo Barley Wine. Same basic recipe as Thomas Hardy's Ale. 10.5%
Insanely Bad Elf: UK
Billed as an Imperial Red Ale this is a gorgeous and tasty beer. 12.0%
Warm Welcome: UK
A stronger brown ale with more hops than you'd expect. 6.0%
Santa's Butt: UK
Strong porter. The original name for porter was Entire Butt, meaning the whole barrel. 6.0%
Pickled Santa: UK
Amber, spiced Christmas Ale. 6.0%
Lump of Coal: UK
Liquid consolation for a depressing holiday. Considering how bad you have been... This Bittersweet chocolate stout is more than you deserve. 8.0%
Reindeer's Revolt: UK
A golden amber, hop accented, English “winter warmer” brewed without spices. 6.0%
Other Domestic Craft Holiday Beers.
Wasatch Winterfest
RedRock Griswald
Hoppers SnoAle
Anchor Christmas
Anderson Valley Winter Solstice
Big Sky Powderhound
Deschutes Jubelale
Full Sail Wassail
Full Sail Wreck the Halls
Mactarnahan's HumBug Holiday Porter
Samuel Smiths Winter Welcome
Sierra Nevada Celebration
Thanks for bringing 'em in, Mark!