To say 2018 was a banner year for beer in Utah is one of the biggest understatements in recent decades. The state that gets very little respect for it's beer culture saw an explosion of breweries and craft beer brands. Here is a recap of just some of the highlight in the Utah Beer Blog's 2018 Beer Year in Review. Sorry it's late.
Strap Tank offered up their first barrel aged saison,
Kiitos released a
straight up barely wine and
Avenues Proper was brave and put a bret pale
ale on draft!
February: We first became aware of St. George Brewing Company; which we now know as
Silver Reef Brewing Company. The brewery would be St. George's First brewery.
Grid City Brewing came to our attention. The brewery was originally supposed to be located in downtown SLC's north west side. It is currently located in South Salt Lake City and is under development. Utah's Chapter of the
Pink Boots Society (a beer industry group that is designed to inspire and educate women who work in the U.S. beer industry.) released their
Mash the Patriarchy beer.
April: The
Templin Family Brewery went public with their planned SLC brewery and the 9th Annual
Tour de Brewtah Happened under the new guidance of Bohemian Brewing's
Will Gillane. The Roha Brewing Project released their Maltese Cross Beer with proceeds going to local firefighters.
May: May began with
Saltfire Brewing Opening its doors - one of the states biggest Craft Beer Weeks on record, later in the month on May 29th,
Toasted Barrel went online in Salt Lake City.
June: Saturday June 23rd
Toasted Barrel Opened, while Kiitos Made a
Big Gay Ale to help celebrate Utah Pride Day. Utah breweries also had a really
strong showing at the
North American Brewers Awards in Idaho. Uinta Brewing also Celebrated their 25th Anniversary.
Epic Brewing Company and Japan's Matsumoto Brewery teamed up to brew a special
"Sister Cities" beer. Epic also brewed up a special
Pie and Beer Day barrel aged sour beer to help celebrate the day it's named for. The Utah Legislature screwed with our lives once again; making brewpubs choose to be restaurants or bars. #dickmove
Cerveza Zólupez Beer Company hit our radar, while Strap Tank continued to innovate with their
Valley Forged Ale (also known as "Treebeard") this version of Strap Tank's locally sourced
ale has willow, spruce, juniper, local wheat
Shades Brewing picks up a gold medal at the
Great American Beer Festival for their
Kveik #1.
Kiitos Brewing also took home a gold medal in the same competition with their
Coffee Cream Ale.
October: The last quarter of 2018 begins with four breweries that would close out the year.
Policy Kings, Cedar City's first brewery since the 19th Century opened on October 16th. A week later The
Templin Family Brewery also opened as well; showcasing the talents of former Red Rock Head Brewer Kevin Templin. T.F. opened on October 26.
Cerveza Zolupez opened and was the first brewery to set up shop in Ogden since Talisman opened up in early 2016. The nano brewery concentrates on Mexican style ales that are brewed in extremely small batches.
Roosters' B Street Brewery opened and began brewing in December - St. George's
Silver Reef Brewing Company begins making beer and we ended 2018 with
Hopkins Brewing Co. opening it's doors on the last day of the year.
2019 is on pace to be as culture changing with another six or seven breweries in the works for Utah. Stay close as I promise to get you all of your breaking local beer new and events.