Well here we go again. One more try to get home brewing officially legalized in the state. Big, big thanks go to Rep. Christine Johnson for proposing this bill again. Last year the bill passed in both the house and the senate but died due to lack of time left in the session. If you have any interest in following the bills progress I'll post updates as often as possible. Starting today.
Yesterday the bill made it out of the Business and Labor Interim Committee and will go back to the house and senate to be voted on. Below is a link to a copy of the legislation and also an .mp3 of the committee meeting. If you want to listen it hits at 1:45:20 - 1:54:28 on the podcast. I'd chop it up and post it, but I just don't have the damn time. Cheers!
link to copy of legislationhttp://www.le.state.ut.us/interim/2008/html/00001845.htm
mp3 audio at 1:45:20 - 1:54:28http://recordings.le.state.ut.us/mp3/committee/rw025-1119081.mp3
Nice blog. Big fan. Anyway, I cut that mp3 down to just the homebrewing bit to send to some friends and will send it to you if you like. Just let me know how to get it to you.
Okay so here's the thing, I have this husband who pretty much buys whatever he wants when he wants it.. all fine and well until it's Christmas and a girl is left searching her mind endlessly! Insert lightbulb moment here! What if I order some of that Wasatch Christmas Ale he said he liked so much when he lived in Utah?? Wow, I am sooo creative and smart and give great gifts!!! Patting myself on the back I head to the trust internet where anything can be ordered.. only wait, nooo it comes from Utah... land of the we can't ship alcohol... see my hope come crashing to a halt :( Untiiil I discover this blog and then tada... angels sing and the hope is restored... okay the blog with the Christmas ale is like a year old, but still.. there is no such thing as false hope, right? Sooo by any chance do you still have some, and if not do you have any idea how my brilliant little thought can come to fruition??
...crossing my fingers and waiting ever so breathlessly...
I haven't seen the Wasatch Christmas Ale in any stores, if it is sold in stores it would be easy to get out to you. Anyone ever see it bottled?
Cyclone, sorry to say that Wasatch is not making the Christmas Ale this year. They wouldn't say that they're never making it again. But not this year. They're concentrating on a new beer for the holidays called Winterfest. More alcohol and much hoppier than the Xmas ale. Good luck, let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
major sigh! But thank you both for the info! If you feel like doing some digging I could use help figuring out where to get watneys cream stout from :) :) There is one place I've found online, but I'm a bit suspicious because it's spelling it whatknees... grouse and grumble... frickin tasty beer drinkers... oh! wait! I'm one of them! ;)
Really though, thanks bunches on the wasatch info!
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