On Monday, April 13, Summerbrau Lager debuts it's a 5.6% German-style lager. It's straw in color, made with imported German pale malts and a generous amount European hops (Saaz, Hallertauer?). creating a crisp, clean, golden body, with a bitter finish.
The second, Summer Twilight arrives next month. It's a classic, golden-hued 4% German-style Kolsh Ale. First brewed in Köln, Germany These ales are light to medium in body with a very pale color with a hop bitterness that is medium to slightly assertive. It can also have a somewhat vinous and dry flavor.
Although these styles are very different they do have their similarities. I guess we'll have to wait and see how different they really are. Cheers!
Whats next Double IPA? Imperial Stout? A Barley Wine? Double imperial Mild????
Really? Two nearly identical seasonal beers. They couldn't come up with something a little more diverse? Maybe a cream ale, Steam Beer or even a Rye? Pretty lame Wasatch.
I'm looking forward to both beers. Right now Wasatch is really the only brewery taking full advantage of the new laws allowing high-ABV sales from the brewery. Squatters is of course also selling the IPA from the Co-op. I wish the Wasatch Pale Ale would come back. Anyone have a bottle of it? I'd love to try one.
Still beers mild enough for the masses...we need to keep encouraging them to move from milk to meat. Summertime is IIPA season in my calendar.
While I am looking forward to these beers, Wasatch's high ABV beers now include a wit, a Kölsch, and a lager. Whoopdee. Greg Schirf needs to grow a pair of balls and let the dogs off the leash to brew something really exciting--something they could name Hoprageous or Hoptarded or Hopjaculation (hey you asshole homebrewers...no stealing my beer names!!)
It's too bad. Wasatch had a decent winter line-up. I'll reserve fInal judgement 'till after I've had these new beers , but it does seem like they've lobbed a couple of softballs.
I get it, most beer drinkers like their beer clear and uncomplicated. And brewers need to acknowledge that. But there are too many great styles out there that could have benefited both camps.
We really do need an Imperial IPA here. Something akin to Nugget Nectar or Ruination. Winterfest is 7% so making a 10% beer shouldn't be much of a jump. After all, the commercials they are running are promoting 'big beer' anyway. However, maybe they will not make a IPA of any type due to Squatters IPA, which is a very nice brew I must say.
you are correct on the issue with the Squatter's IPA. They don't want to undercut their own sales--the Squatter's IPA is a very strong brand. We need to convince them that there is room for an ultra-hoppy, resiny, kick-your-teeth-in IIPA as well, even if its just seasonally released.
Thought I'd read on Jenny's blog(Squatters) she had a IIPA in the works for this summer and an Imperial Stout in mind for fall. Anybody else catch that?
Yeah, I did read mention of the Impy Stout. No word yet on when she'll make it.
I would rather Jenny make the IIPA than the UBC boys. While they do a good job, everything she does is gold. Only problem if Jenny makes it is it will probably be a much more limited release. BUT, if it is popular, it would very likely then get picked up by the brewers coop.
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