First up [pictured above] is Pit Stop Kettle Soured Apricot IPA. The name says it all. It will be packaged in Uinta's 750ml. bottles. This looks like a warm weather beer, expect to see it sooner rather than later. This will likely be a 4.0% ABV beer.
Uinta's Fest German Style Helles will be coming along towards Fall. This is a style that Uinta has surprisingly not done before.It's tailor made for Autumn and Oktoberfest celebrations in particular.
A little more subdued than it's Marzen cousin. It will dial in around 5.5% ABV.

Stay close for their releases.
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The Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout image immediately brought up the word "Mush" to mind with the sled dogs on it!
Did you forget the coffee stout Uinta made last year? It was pretty good in its own right.
I did. I'm ashamed.
Let's see, IPA, 4%, did they read the style guidelines??
All good Mikey, you still rock.
Is this close enough??
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