If you've never tried a good Black IPA, think of it as a very hoppy porter. That description is a little inadequate because it's not easy to create a hop bill that complements the roasted grains in such a robust beer. If you've had a good B-IPA you know immediately when a brewers nailed it and when they haven't.

Anyway, what makes Dubhe different from other B-IPA/Cascadians is the addition of hemp seed. Get it... Doobie?
Now before Sen. Valentine starts getting his little "panties in a bunch" over this shocking revelation, it's well known that Hemp seeds do not get you high, or have psychoactive properties. The hemp seeds here are used to add a "nutty" profile to Dubhe.
Dubhe is still in the tanks and is expected to be available sometime in March, in 12oz bottles. Look for it at your local bar, liquor store and at Uinta's Bottle Shop as it has an abv of 9.2%. Thanks, Uinta! for giving us some extra good beer news this week!
I have more great Black IPA news for you tomorrow, stay tuned. And while I have your attention, If you find any value in this thing I do here, please consider voting for the Utah Beer Blog in City weekly's Best of 2011. It would really stroke my overly stimulated ego...
I'm excited about this one! Love me some BIPA!!!
By the way, at a $1.65 a bottle it's gunna make your wallet happy, not just your tongue.
I'm very excited. I love the Black IPA style. It's nice to hear someone here in Utah is jumping on that bandwagon.
---Ricky H.
Hi my name's Kent and I have a problem to admit...I've never had a black IPA. My shame is great and I will remedy this at the earliest possible convenience.
Thanks a bunch Uinta folks!
I've been informed that If all goes as planned Duhbe will be available for purchase at Uinta Tuesday afternoon (3/1/11). As always call before making the trip.
12 ounce bottle?
Six packs son!
Duude! I mean Ricky. Uinta isn't the first, nor the last t make a dark hoppy ale in utah. I wonder if the oils in the weed seeds hurt head retention?..... no, not at all..wink wink
I've been corrected, they aren't the first. Either way, I'm still pretty excited to try their interpretation of this style.
Kent, I remember (I was a bit intoxicated though) pouring you a "Hop in the Dark" at the holiday beer tasting.
---Ricky H.
I am very excited about a new black ipa since it is one of my favorite styles unfortunately the star it's named after is pronounced duh be as in "duh" not "doo". koodos to naming a beer after the state star.
Holy shiz Ricky I do vaguely remember that. That's Deschutes right?
Woohoo my shame is less great!
That's right, it is by Deschutes. It's fine, by that time we all had about 12 too many. My friend still talks about your non-carbonated holiday beer, by the way.
---Ricky H.
What's the word? Will we see these this afternoon? And where?
It looks like it will be out tomorrow afternoon. 3/2/11
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