To help calm the nerves I have some good news for northern Utah beer lovers. Zion Canyon Brewing Company, Southern Utah's only craft brewer will finally be sending it's beer north to the Wasatch Front and hopefully surrounding areas.

We're still awaiting word on exactly where you'll be able to by Zion Canyon's. Rest assured, we'll pass along the info when we get it. This couldn't have happened at a better time.
Also, the new poll is up.
Here's the info on the committee meeting in regards to SB-314.
Wednesday Feb 23rd, 7:30am Room 210 Senate Building (east building).
We need everyone who can possibly attend to be there.
I have some details about ZCBC's distribution. They will be in Salt Lake, Park City. and to the Idaho boarder. Of course availablity will be spotty.
The first shipment hits town Thurs or Fri. It'll be a week after that before you'll start seeing them on shelves or on tap.
I'm excited to try it. I'm all over anything to support the locals. Can't wait to pour me a pint...
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