The nose is earthy with some funky peppery saison yeast countered by zesty rye spices, bread, alcohol and light tropical fruit. The taste starts with a bit of pepper, clove and and coriander followed
by estery fruits. Brady malts come next witha touch of alcohol. The end has a nice balance berries and tropical hops. Finishes semi-dry. 8% ABV. @ Proper Brewing
Goose Island Goose Green Pale Ale:
The nose has citrus and is heavy with orange rind and malt. The taste follows the aroma with a nice balance of orange and lemon zest and a solid bready malt backbone. Finishes light and dry. Overall a solidly session APA. Nothing to extraordinary but you'll be satisfied. 4.0% ABV @ Harmon's
Moab Pale Ale:
The nose has sweet, grassy malt, piney and herbal hops. Starts mildly grainy with a bit of caramel. The taste is a bit astringent herbal pine flavors come next with some heavy roasted flavors. Finishes very dry and hoppy. I really wasn't digging this one, I'm going to have to revisit this one again. It just seemed a little to dry with little in the way a malt character. 6.0% ABV. @ DABC
Full Sail Session Cream Ale:
Haven't tried this one yet. 5.4% ABV. @ DABC - Bayou
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