Success! Beer has the mystical power to predict the outcome of sporting events.
Found 'em!... finally. At of all places 7-eleven. The store I was at only had the wheat beer, which is fine. At $8.50 a sixer I wasn't prepared for that kind of hit on the wallet for a new-to-me six-pack.
Poured a hazy straw yellow color with a small white head that dissipated quickly leaving light lacing on glass.The nose was of fresh grains, lemons, oranges and a little yeast.The taste started with Light bready malt and a light lemon zest. A bit of grassy hop bitterness is present in the end. The finish was slightly spicey. This is an average but good wheat beer that will appeal to a variety of tastes. But don't expect to be blown away. Cheers!
Poured a hazy straw yellow color with a small white head that dissipated quickly leaving light lacing on glass.The nose was of fresh grains, lemons, oranges and a little yeast.The taste started with Light bready malt and a light lemon zest. A bit of grassy hop bitterness is present in the end. The finish was slightly spicey. This is an average but good wheat beer that will appeal to a variety of tastes. But don't expect to be blown away. Cheers!
I had the Boulevard Hef/Wheat beer at Piper Down last week and LOVED it. I was wondering which 7-11 you found it at?
I had the Boulevard Hef/Wheat beer at Piper Down last week and LOVED it. I was wondering which 7-11 you found it at?
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