American Homebrewers Association Director Gary Glass flew in to Salt Lake to testified for the bill during the Senate Committee hearing on homebrew legalization efforts.
The bill's next stop is to go before the Senate floor for a vote.
Also, RedRock's Rêve a Belgian Style Triple is finally back. The Award winning brew's second edition was released yesterday at RedRock's two locations and select bars. The brew is a limited edition and won't be around long, so don't procrastinate on this one.
Also, also... if your bumpin' around Squatters today wish The Queen of Beers: Jennifer Talley a Happy Birthday! I won't say how old she is, but I think 28 is a nice round number.
Also, also... if your bumpin' around Squatters today wish The Queen of Beers: Jennifer Talley a Happy Birthday! I won't say how old she is, but I think 28 is a nice round number.
WOW! just had a reve down @ Redrock, super complex beer,oak is really there, sweet but with a slight tartness that really balances it out.Super bubbley bottle conditioning... at first 15 bones seemed like alot,afterward i changed my mind. Good job!
Hey, does anyone know if they're selling bottles to go?
Ed said . . . asked if they are selling to go? The answer is no. As it was explained to me, they would have to sell to DABC and then buy it back and then sell to the public to go.
Thanks for the heads up on this beer. I had one today and all I can say is WOW!
Cool, thank you.
FWIW here's a snapshot of Rêve poured into goblets showing it's golden hue:
Also the server told me that I alone couldn't legally consume a Rêve due to its alcohol content but thankfully my wife eargerly volunteered to enjoy one with me. And enjoy it we did!
I was able to have one on Friday night at the Bayou. I was able to have an entire bottle by myself. Trust me Calanan, be glad your wife did share it with you. Twords the end of bottle I was begining to feel like Han Solo going into hyperspace. Nice photo by the way, you should do that for a living! :)
Your server was full of shit. I am a server at a different brewpub and have a very keen interest in restaurant beer consumption laws. I fear that Red Rock management has perhaps told this to their servers? If denied a bottle of beer while dining alone, I would ask to speak to management.
The first night we offered the Reve there was a discussion about the legalities of overserving--we erred on the side of caution! You know Utah! We decided one person should be able to behold the beauty of the Reve --so come on down and enjoy!
Oh Sabrina, thank you for quelling my ire! I'm glad RR came around to common sense. I definitely need to get in there ASAP for a bottle--make sure you save one for me. And I don't like to share--I'm a little beer squirrel that hordes it all away just for me!
I did *NOT* like it. Or maybe I just don't get it. Since when was beer supposed to taste like wine?
Is this what breweries mean by "barley wine"?
I don't know, if I wanted a white wine,that is what I would have bought. Someone please explain..
It sounds like this beer may have been too advanced for your pallet. Please don't be offended, because that's not my intent. There are dozens and dozens of beer styles that may not fall into your definition of what beer is. There are many styles that take-on some of the vinous qualities of wine, while others can be more coffee like. Many Belgian styles are difficult for western pallets.
When you think of beer, what brand pops first into your mind?
I see where you are going with this. When I think of beer,I think of Budweiser. But I *do* like "good" beer. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is my favorite. I don't know..Reve tastes nothing like any other barley wine style I have ever had, its nothing like Bigfoot for example.
BTW, no offense taken, guess my palate is not as sophisticated as yours.Call me a newbie, I dunno
Revs is not a Barley wine. It's a Belgian style Triple Ale. Triples are made with three times the amount of malt as well as candy sugar and spices. Even though they are boozy like barley wines they are in a whole different class, as I'm sure your now aware. Squatters has a Belgian style strong ale coming out next month. I recomend trying it also. It will look more like a barley wine. But again it's not. If you want to experiment with Belgian styles message me and I'll float some good, affordable labels your way. Cheers!
I'm still bitter...I thought I could go down there and buy a bottle...but no...and I had already had lunch...so damn bad. Guess I'll have to make another trip...on trax...
Yeah, RedRock's owners have opted not to apply for the new licence that would allow the sale of beer for "take out". Stupid I know.
FYI. Redrock has applied for a "take out " licence...
That's great, do you know how long ago?
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