Uinta’s XIV Anniversary Barley Wine also received an honorable mention in the barley wine category.

These really are two outstanding beers. King's Peak Porter has always been staple in my fridge, and the Barley Wine... well it's in a class all it's own. King's Peak is available in most grocery stores and the Anniversary Barley Wine is available at all Utah liquor stores. Cheers and Congrats!
Good job and Congrats to Uinta Brewery. Kings Peak is an amazing beer, and I'm proud to say it comes form my state.
King's Peak is one of my staples, too. We're pretty lucky to have a cuople of awesome "session" porters...
the 16 I had last night was the SHIT. Huge american hops & big malt w/ toffee/carmel...wowsa. World class beer, anyone know if that has hit at GABF? cuz if it hasn't... it WILL.
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