Good bye forever. Mikey.
P.S. Honey,I never got a chance to return that sweater your mom gave me for Christmas. Umm, I left the receipt on top of my bureau. I'm probably over the thirty day return limit but umm… I'm sure if you make a fuss they'll at least give you a store credit or something. Umm.. It's actually not a horrible sweater. It's... It's just I can't imagine when I would ever wear it you know? being in the forest and all. Oh, I also left a button on the bureau. I'm not sure what it goes to, but I can never bring myself to throw a button away. I know that as soon as I do I'll find the garment it goes to and then it'll… Wait a minute, could it be from the sweater? Did that sweater have buttons? Hmm… Well I should wrap this up before I start to ramble. Again, goodbye forever.
P.P.S. You know, it might be a little chilly in Oregon, I'm actually going to take the sweater. I'll see you in all Idaho Falls on June 3rd.
P.P.P.S. If you watch Family Guy it all makes sence.