Utah Brewery Map

Friday, September 06, 2024

New Beer Friday 9/6/24

Not much happening this New Beer Friday, most locals brewers are prepping their Oktoberfest beers along with fresh and wet hop beers. in the next week you'll likely see and explosion of lagers, pales and IPAs. But what we do have this week is money, so seek these beers out.

Joe Mastorocco, Beer Nerd Radio's go-to hop expert, returns to talk about the new hops along with what's hot this autumn. We'll have some examples of the new freshness that'll be hitting the market this weekend. The radio pub goes live at 2pm on 99.9fm KUAA or stream us at KUAAFM.ORG

Salt Lake Brewing - 89 Barleywine: Brewed to celebrate 35 years in business as Squatters/Salt Lake Brewing Company,  Long time Head Brewer of Salt Lake's original brewpub, Jason Stock crafted this English style barleywine as a thank you to the generations of customers who have hoisted many pints over the past three and a half decades.

Packaged in a special 750 ml. bottle the 89 Barleywine pours a mostly clear amber with an average head. The aroma features toffee, maple, raisins, wheat bread, and some light pine. The flavor leads with caramel and toffee. Raisins and maple syrup rollin next with a delicate sweetness. It maintains a good balance. The mouthfeel is medium to light bodied for a barleywine with foamy carbonation. Overall this beer is a very direct exploration of malt with little in the way of hops – it is fruity and rich, and a joyous beer to drink. 8.0% - Available at SL Brewing Co. 

Fisher - HellesNice and pleasant aromas with good balance of pale malt and earthy hop notes; with solid strength. Taste of light lemon, cracker, biscuit, herbal, straw, grass, light pepper, and yeast earthiness. Light herbal/grassy bitterness on the finish; with lingering notes of cracker, biscuit, herbal, straw, grass, light pepper, and yeast earthiness on the finish. 5.0% - Available today at Fisher.

Fisher - Simcoesaurus: Not sure of the spelling on this one, but this Simcoe hop driven pale ale starts with piney hops, then grapefruit, orange, and a touch of lemon. Just the right amount of light malts. Has a floral, bready, and a touch piney finish. Has medium body with a bit of creaminess. Crisp and clean finish. 5.0% - Available at Fisher now. 

Chappell - Playground #12: This batch features Sultana and Sabro Hops. Pours a murky pale gold with a nice off-white head; great lacing. Initial impression is citrus, tropical fruits, pine resin, and a touch of caramel. Mouthfeel is almost but not quite juicy. Finish is fairly dry and clean, with more citrus. 5.0% - Available at Chappell.

UTOG - House Shot: Missed this Blonde Ale. 5.0% - Available at UTOG and select bowling alleys.

Here are this week's Small Batch Beers fro Hopkins Brewing.


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