It's looking to be a White Xmas this year at Wasatch Brewing. Yesterday we had the debut of Switch, a Port barrel aged Belgian style Witbier. Today we have its cousin, an aggressively hopped - hybrid beer called Ghostrider White IPA.
First of all it has one of the best looking labels to adorn a local bottle in quite some time. Inside is a beer style that's becoming very popular in the U.S., the White IPA.
At it's most basic, a White IPA is a beer that mixes the hop-character and brewing techniques of an India Pale Ale with the wheat base and spice additions of the refreshing Belgian witbier.
GhostRider pours a cloudy, light straw color with a nice sudsy white cap. The nose is full of citrus with hints of wheat and coriander. The beginning of each sip starts out like a wheat beer with notes of biscuit, coriander, lemongrass, and orange peel. Mid palate big citrusy tangerine hops "pop" adding a bit of bitterness to the back of the tongue. Swallowing the beer releases more of the soft and grainy wheat flavors with an emphasis on coriander & cloves in the finish. 6.0% ABV in 12 oz. bottles
This is a nice twist on an IPA. It takes many of the traditional characteristics of a Witbier and combines them with an intense hop character. The flavors come together quite nicely to make this easy to drink, smooth, enjoyable beer.
Ghost rider will be available year round, supposedly starting today. As I stated in yesterday's post with Switch, call first! before you make the trip to the Beer Store.
Pours a light golden honey color with with a moderate fluffy white head that dissipated to a very thin froth. The nose is a little boozy with banana, cloves malt and ripe mango. The taste is very much the same starting with candied sugar and cloves that transitions into toasted malt and banana. The end is sweet and oaky. The alcohol is warming and welcomed, masked well by Rêve's full body. It adds a whole new dimension to the beer You really get a good sense of the oak in the finish. 10.2% abv is more than enough to warm your inner beer geek.
Available at all RedRock locations.
I'm surprised beer is being released under the Wasatch label. Is there an idea to start listing things under a joint name (with Squatters)?
The ghostrider label looks to be under the co-op banner, as opposed to either Wasatch or Squatters.
I'm guessing that Switch was under Wasatch before the merge was finalized, as it sat in barrels for 18 months.
Just my guesses.
For the foreseeable future the Utah Brewers Cooperative will be the "joint name".
The Squatters & Wasatch brands will not be going anywhere.
We are still making beers as either wasatch or squatters ghost rider is a wasatch beer.
I'm confused, the post called it a Wasatch beer, Adam C did, but the label says UBC!
It is a damn good beer. I just found my new squasatch beer to buy. Thanks UBC; such a good beer :)
@ Anonymous Every beer we have made since the ubc formed in 2000 has said ubc on it. The beer says wasatch on the kneck label. Nothing has changed at the utah brewers co.op.
Neck label. Man I can't spell sometimes.
I was told at the Beer Store ghost rider wouldn't be released for another week or so, although they seemed to think it was ready to drink now.
I heard the same. They said 2-4 weeks despite being ready. Fucking Utah!
Came into to say the same thing thing as Douglas and Chris above me.
DABC, do you see that this does not work efficiently, not even close. I was ready today to give my money over to a company that has a product that I want to try. Now, it sits, getting old.
Another way....
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