If you were able to get your hands on one, you know that it was "a thing of beauty". It was the first time a commercial brewery in Utah tried making a true Imperial Stout and it didn't disappoint. It practically flew out of the brewpub in cases and was completely gone in less than ten days.
Today I'm happy to tell you that the 2010 batch is here early and is much bigger (quantity wise).
Outer Darkness is scheduled to be bottled tomorrow (10/19/10) and should be available for purchase late Tuesday or Wednesday at The Utah Brewers Cooperative. 1763 South 300 West, Salt Lake City.
Bottles should be creeping into Squatters later in the week and liquor store shelves within a month. Last year the price was $14.99 per 22 oz. bottle. Expect to pay far less this year.
If your wondering if you'll like O.D., it pores a thick, opaque ebony color with a good two fingers of dark copper colored foam. The nose was heavy with coffee, chocolate, licorice and a hint of vanilla. Definite alcohol perfume in the end. The taste starts with Chocolate covered raisins, followed by some underlying dark fruits. The sweetness fades into big roasted coffee and cocoa and finished up with a nice roasted vanilla malt taste. The alcohol is noticeable but it doesn’t taste like a 10.5% beer. An amazing, full and complex Imperial Stout. The mouthfeel is thick and rich, you really get a sense for how heavy all of the ingredients are as you swish it around.
This has to be one of my favorite Utah beers of all time. The chocolate and coffee flavors are balanced perfectly. Best enjoyed in small sips where you can really savor and appreciate the great flavor and artistry in the brew.
I still have a bottle sitting in the back of my bar. This time around I will pick up A LOT more of them, especially if they are less expensive. I can't wait!
As I mentioned in a previous post, I am really looking forward to this one. I am going to head to the beer store on Wednesday after work and get as many as my wife will let me. ;-)
I did not get one from last year, but I was not into craft beer at this time last year. I wonder how this one will compare to Epic's RIS?
Has anyone gone and picked some up yet? I'll need to grab some this week. I've got one more bottle myself Ricky but I'm trying to hold that for another year or so. See how it ages. Maybe we can all do a vertical tasting a couple of years from now.
I haven't been by yet either. Probably this weekend. I too am aging a couple of bottles. I'm glad there's plenty more coming so I'm not tempted to pilfer from my cellar.
My wife swung by the Beer Store around 11am today(Wednesday) and they were still bottling it. Should be available this afternoon.
Hi Gang,
I am pleased to announce that we just finished a great bottling run with our Squatters Brew, Outer Darkness and it is on the shelf at the Utah Brewers "Beer Store."
Mikey was right concerning the price, it is $9.95 down from $14.95.
As many of may well know, Jenny Tally gave birth to this one of kind brew last year. Now the talented brew crew at UBC have added some good parenting and nurtering intincts to this "imperial" prince of a beer.
Be ready to enjoy the incredible depth and noble heritage of this spectacular Stout.
Greg Schirf
I went down to the Beer Store after work today and grabbed three bottles of Outer Darkness. I was happy to see that they were 750s as opposed to bombers. That has got to be one of the coolest labels I have ever seen!
I also picked up a growler of Jalapeno ale. I love this beer!
Keep up the good stuff.
^ I'll be picking up...many this weekend.
Thanks for letting us know they are on the shelf Greg. Come Monday I will be at the beer store giving you a lot of my hard earned money.
---Ricky H.
Hey guys for what it's worth.
This beer while it will do well stored for a period of time, is ready to be drank right now.
We decided to bottle it this week because we were all happy with it's flavor and deemed it needed no more conditioning.
You are all more than welcome to lay them down and do some tastings as the beer ages but please don't put every bottle in storage right away, Drink it now!
Due to the complexities and the depth of this beer it will do nice as it ages though;)
Excellent, I'll be grabbing some today or tomorrow.
Thanks for the tip Jon Lee.
My God, I wish I didn't live out of state. I want this beer so badly I can almost taste it.
That's awesome. I was working on my memoir, explaining Mormon theology, when I thought, "Is there a bar in Utah called Outer Darkness? 'cause if not, there really should be." I like it even better than you've made this beer. Hope one day to try it! Send it out to the other states!
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