Speaking of good beer news I just returned from a week of judging beer a the NABA competition in Idaho Falls and boy is my tongue tired. I swear to God, I drank more Bourbon than beer while judging the "wood Aged Beer" category. I'm guessing 95% of the beers entered in that category were kissed by Bourbon. Some... full on molested by it!
I won't complain... I can't. I was drinking great beer all week for charity. It's good work if you can get it.
Anyway, my trip aside. Utah's brewers really represented you well this past weekend, bringing home 26 medals - covering a full range locally made suds. Uinta Brewing did particularly well, winning 8 medals - 3 of which are gold - and they practically owned the American Barleywine category. Imagine that... Utah known for Barlywine. Ah, the age we live in.
Here's the Utah winners list and click here for the complete list. Cheers!
Bohemian Brewery
Bronze: American Standard Lager - Utah Lager
Silver: German Pilsner - Head for the Pils
Desert Edge Brewery
Gold: English Mild Ale - British Mild
Epic Brewing Co.
Bronze: American Style Wheat Beer - Intermountain Wheat Beer
Silver: Rye Beer - Rio's Romp'n Rye
Hoppers Grill & Brewing Co.
Silver: Biere de Garde - The First SnoAle
Gold: Bohemian Pilsner - This is the Pilsener
Bronze: Traditional Bock / Eisbock - Double Black Lager
Redrock Brewing Company
Bronze: Saison - Le Quatre Saison
Bronze: Specialty and Experimental Beers - Paardebloem
Silver: Alt - Andy's Alt
Ruby River Brewery
Gold: Carbonated Soft Drinks - Ruby River's Cream Soda
Silver: Carbonated Soft Drinks - Ruby River Root Beer
Squatters Pub Brewery
Silver: Flanders Brown Ale - 529
Uinta Brewing Company
Gold: American Barley Wine 18th Anniversary Barley Wine
Bronze: American Barley Wine - 17th Anniversary Barley Wine
Silver: American Hefeweizen - Golden Spike
Gold: California Common - Gelande
Silver: Schwarzbier (Black Beer) - King's Peak
Silver: Ordinary Bitter - Cutthroat
Bronze: Double/Imperial India Pale Ale - Detour
Gold: American Amber Lager - Gelande
Utah Brewers Cooperative
Silver: Belgian Wit (White) - Squatters Wit
Silver: Kolsch - Wasatch Slammer Golden Ale
Gold: Dortmunder/ Export - Wasatch Summerbrau
Wasatch Brewpub
Bronze: Cream Ales - Summer Twilght
Photo courtesy: Mark Alston
Wow very impressive Utah Brewers. Congratulations to all it's well deserved.
That chick pouring cask for Desert Edge is a hottie!
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