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Friday, August 02, 2024

New Beer Friday 8/2/24

I only like smoke in my beer, not my air. Probably a good plan to chill in the coolness of a tap room or pub and enjoy some of this week's new craft goodness. Happy New Beer Friday!

Clay Turnbow stops by the radio pub for another visit, this time as head brewer at Epic Brewing. Steph and I will get into what's new at Epic and how Clay is putting his mark on Utah's original high point brewery. Hit up at 2pm on 99.9fm or stream us at KUAAfm.org/

TF - Punta Mita PalomaNose is strong citrus, grapefruit, lemon and sugar with a spritzy tartness. Very aromatic and bright. Beer opens tart citrus and grapefruit. Some lemon zest and herbal bitterness in the middle with a seltzer tartness at the finish. Good balance. Body is light with ample carbonation. Prickly on the palate and goes down foamy and aggressive with a clean, slightly lingering finish. 5.0% - Available at TF.

Offset - Just Me (Most): The news release in Offset's single hop Pils series features a brand new hop from the Czech Republic simply called Most.  It is said to have notes of strawberry, black current, bubblegum, and subtle tropical fruit. 5.0% - Available at Offset for now.

Fisher - Roy Farms Hop Slinger: Nice hop-forward aroma, quite green, with notes of resin, pine, grapefruit, and melon. Really nice flavor, with plenty of caramel and pale malt character, all amplified - not upstaged - by a green herbal and citrus hop character. 5.0% - Available at Fisher.

RoHa - Red Snake Harvest Ale: Pours clear amber with a big head and medium carbonation. Smell is dank with a little honeysuckle. Almost earthy. Bitter finish builds up with several sips and lasts for some time. Taste is bitter and earthy with some graininess. Overall, it's quite tasty. 5.0% - Available at RoHa, soon to be poring at Snowbird Oktoberfest. 

Epochal - Squarer of Circles: This beer is brewed with Scotch Common, a very old landrace Scottish barley used in beer and whisky production between the late 17th and early 19th Centuries. It was grown and malted by Crafty Maltsters in Fife and possesses a subtly honeyish spicy sweetness. It’s also hopped with UK Cascade and Bramling Cross from Brook House Hops in Herefordshire. Open fermentation with house Saccharomyces was followed by wood fermentation with Brettanomyces and finally bottle fermentation with both. So much character for such a little beer. 3.6% - Found at the Bayou.

Here are this week's Small Batch Beers from Hopkins Brewing.


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