If you haven't been by Uinta Brewing in the last few years you may not recognize the place. The massive expansion that has dwarfed their original location is a high tech thing of beer making beauty. Earlier this year, one of the final phases of Uinta 3.0 began with the closure and remodel of their brewhouse pub. That remodel is 99% completed and the pub nearly ready for it's debut.

Set your Wayback Machine to about six months ago and remember the old pub. It was an adequate sized space for a brew house taproom. The U shaped bar made it easy to converse with others and the and the large windows washed the nicely furnished room with tons of natural lighting.

The new set up is slightly different, but still takes advantage of Uinta's green energy mantra of Earth, Wind and Beer. The space nearly triples the floor space and the bar has a long classical "L" shape and is equipped with a shload of tap handles - The seating has quadrupled and the patio has been expanded as well.
The kitchen has been revamped as well. The menu is much more diverse - full of classic pub fair designed by Chef Rick Esparza, former owner of the Urban Bistro. I've known Rick for a while, he's got great culinary skills and his menu is full of food designed around Uinta's beers.

For now Uinta's Brewhouse Pub still retains it tavern license, but they are working to acquire a full club license. The Breweries bottleshop is open (always was) and is still selling all of Uitna's beers. The Uinta Brewery is located at 1722 s. Fremont Drive in Salt Lake City.
It's a great space. Congrats and thanks to Uinta on providing us a brilliant new watering hole!
Now if we could just get full strength brews to flow out of those beautiful taps. :)
I've heard rumors they were going to open on weekends once this new taproom was open, at least Saturdays. Is this still true? A possibility? It still blows my mind they close the taproom and food service on weekends! I liked Uinta's old taproom, but having a job with traditional hours Monday through Friday makes it pretty unrealistic to ever actually get there to enjoy food and beer. I have to plan out my days just to go pick up growlers of Wet & Wyld when its on tap in the fall!
Can't wait to try their new menu. Before all they offered was a build your own sandwich, which was very good.
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