First out of the gate is Rogue's Maierfest Lager. This Märzen pours a hazy deep gold to amber color. The nose is very malty with toffee and a little citrus. The Taste starts with Biscuity malt, toast and hard toffee flavors and ends with moderate citus/floral bitterness. Slightly warming alcohol in the finish. Available at the Beerhive.
Oregasmic Ale, also from Rouge is a cloudy orange/amber color with a dense yellowish head. The nose has a moderate, slightly sweet hop aroma with notes of grass, pineapple and orange peel. The taste starts with sweet caramel, grain, and wood. The end is huge with bitter citusy hops. Great bitter bite in the finish. Nicely balanced. At the Beerhive.
John John Hazelnut Rum Ale Poured a nice medium brown color, with a little light tan head. The nose is of cinnamon, anise, clove and light brown sugar. The taste stated with a light nuttiness and some solvent notes. the end was lightly spiced in the end.
Somewhat underwhelming. Just because you have the ability to age beer in Rum barrels doesn't mean you should. You may like it Douglas and I didn't.
Finally, Capt. Sig's NW Ale. If you don't know who Capt Sig Hansen is you obviously don't watch Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel. Pours a dark, hazy ruby color with a frothy head tan head. The nose is of heavy pine and rich malty sweet notes. The taste starts piney with hints of herbal hops. Rich sweet malts back up the hop bitterness with a solid bready base. The finish has a lingering herbal and citrus profile. At the Bayou & Beerhive.
Bacchus returns to the Bayou. It's a Flemish Sour Brown Ale aged in Oak. A typical Flemish beer with a pleasant wine-like taste and a rich past. This dark brown beer, which is matured in oak casks, has a slightly acid aftertaste. A little on the sweeter side of the style. At the Bayou.