I'm was at the grocery store the other day and I came across a couple of the more unusual offerings.
Ed Hardy, former tattoo artists and current clothing designer has decided to get into the beer business. His first attempt is a uninspired, lackluster lager made in Mexico. It's your basic adjunct lager. Macro beer taste at micro beer prices. I can't believe they have balls to sell this shit for eight and a half buck a sixer.
The one good thing I can say about Beer Light is it's price. At 16 bucks for thirty beers, that Porsche will be in your garage much sooner than you thought.
One beer that's not for sale in grocery stores, but is available today is Hoppers The First SnowAle. Available at Hoppers for $7.50 in 25 oz bottles and at the Bayou later in the week.
I tried the Ed Hardy that they have in the Liquor stores. Yeah, it's Tecate with 2 bucks per sixer added to the price.
Who makes that 'light beer'?
At least the Ed Hardy bottles matched your T-shirt.
Donovan once again proved that he is "The Man"! We got our SnoAle today. But it is still worth a trip to hit the brewery for all their other fine beers.
Drinking a SnoAle right now and it's delicious.
When I first saw these at the liquor store, I asked the cashier "Who the hell is buying this stuff?" and he said "Nobody..it's collecting dust".
Then I told him "Keep a list of anyone who buys it so I can show up at their house and punch them in the face for being a tasteless douche bag".
Not that anyone cares but that crappy, new beer is actually called "Beer 30", rather than just "Beer". I would expect that came from the mind of a college dropout living in his grandma's basement.
Bring one of these Beer 30s to the Holiday tasting and I promise, I will pound one!
I might have to do that Doug just to witness that. How about some 40's of Old English?
I have actually subjected my taste buds to the foul offering that is Beer 30. Even a cheap beer enthusiast like myself should stay far away from this bargain basement shitparade. All in all it was still better than that irritatingly packaged Ed Hardy swill.
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