Let me take you on trip back in time. Utah's legislators wrote laws to do away with private clubs, eliminate the so-called "Zion Curtain and the legalization of the home brewing of beer and wine.
This was a happy time. It was in 2009 and we thought that, we the cultural misfit toys of Utah, were finally allowed to behave just like the rational humans that inhabit the rest of the globe. It was too good to be true.
I've been saying for a long time that, there is no progression in Utah without regression. It's always one step forward two steps back. Soon we will pay for our 2009 advances.
There is legislation currently on Capitol Hill to take away the authority of the liquor-control board to elect its chairman. Instead, the governor would make the appointment, with the consent of the Senate. It's seen as a way to rien in free thinkers like Sam Granato, the board chairman of the Utah Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, who defied lawmakers last year by refusing to close profitable liquor stores to make up for a state revenue shortfall.
And speaking of, closing profitable liquor stores some of our legislators are also mandating that the most profitable revenue producing arm in the state (DABC) close ten liquor stores and reduces operating hours across the board. All stores no matter how busy will close by 7pm. You may say to yourself, "no sane, business minded person would ever operate a business this way". and you's be correct. That's why it's retribution.
Don't tune-out now, there's more! Current law allows beer sales starting at 10 a.m., Senate Bill 314 seeks to allow all liquor service to begin at 11:30 a.m. The bright side here? You'd be able to have a cocktail 30 minutes earlier. Gee-wiz, thanks!
I'm not finished yet... The bill also bans beer containers larger than two liters. This is a big, Fuck you! to the Utah Brewers Cooperative, who as you know invested a lot of money in a new 5 liter kegging system after finding a loophole in the law. The "Chubbies" will be no more. Under this proposed legislation some boxed wines would also be outlawed.
For all our progress, this is still Utah. The people in charge still want you to know that they are and that they're not going to back away from their position on what they feel is a necessary evil. You can't hold back the ocean, but Goddamn it you can try! Please contact your representative and ask them to see reason.