In what has become one of the states most prolific brewery booms in Utah's recent beer history, this weekend is set to make way for two new brewhouses, ending the short reign of
Bonneville Brewing. It was looking like
Vernal Brewing Co was going to be the next brewery to open, but it looks like a last minute decision will have both Vernal and the
Avenues Proper Restaurant & Publik House opening on the same day. 4/27/13.

It won't be a hard decision for most because they are about a three hour drive apart, regardless it will be a good day for Utah's Beer lovers.
We'll throw some info at you, as it comes along.
Bonneville Brewing will be having their grand opening this Friday evening. There is no excuse not to have a nice local craft beer this weekend.
Plus, the Proper will be pouring Bonneville's Redline Irish Red. Two new local breweries with one blow!
So will the Avenues be pouring their own beer?
Beer has been brewed, I don't know if it will be available for the weekend. Rio said the plan is to have multiple guest taps of his favorite local brands, while keeping his taps (4?)for rotating seasonals.
Also, Vernal will be serving Epic beers along with theirs.
Oh man, staggering distance from the house. Can't wait to visit the Proper.
Sorry, a little misinformation flying around
beer has NOT been brewed, technical problems abound, brewing is short, and actual opening day is Saturday the 27th
Please update this with new info?
Check out our facebook page and website (avenuesproper.com) for exact details
Somebody is giving Mikey bad info!
For some reason a 5 looks the same as a 7. It's been corrected. My apologizes.
no problem at all, i was probably the source of bad info, just wouldn't want anybody disappointed when they show up, thanks!
Mikey, thanks for the info. Love your blog as a resource for Utah beer news.
Thanks, Scott. Cheers!
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