Yeah! more new beer. Powder Hound is a seasonal offering From Big Sky, available at the state stores.
Poured a clear, rusty amber color with one finger of light tan head. The nose was of lightly roasted malt, caramel, chocolate and a hints of floral hops.
The taste starts with toasted biscuit and hazelnut, along with notes of maraschino cherry and red grape. The end is mildly earthy and piney. The finish was dry and nutty. Nicely balanced. Lacks real depth or complexity. Drinkability is high, definitely sessionable. Wouldn't go out of my way for it, but I'll defiantly try it again. 6.2%ABV.
I should note that Desert Edge also has a beer called Powder Hound that predates Big Sky's by a few years, check it out when Chris has it on tap. Cheers!
Awesome. Lets keep these beer coming. I'd really like to try Big Sky Ivan the Terrible Imperial Stout, but I doubt it will end up here, but you never know. Keep up the good work DABC.
Desert Edge has changed the name from Powder Hound to Dark Sky Porter. Same beer, new name.
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