Sum'r is made with variety of hops known Sorachi Ace. Sorachi hops were previously grown by Sapporo for use in their beers, but has since apparently dumped them for more recent varieties available in Japan. This has opened up the world market to these hops and apparently Uinta has bought-up a shload of them.
Now don't confuse this with a Japanese Lager, such as Sapporo 'cause it ain't.
The unique qualities that set Sorachi Ace apart from other hop varieties is the strong Lemony profile that they posses, which is different from the usual grapefruit or pine character of American hops.
Sum'r is described as a light Organic Pale Ale with with a moderate malt backbone and a Lemony/citrusy finish.
I'm a Hop-Head, but my experience with this variety is limited. So I'm anxious to check this one out. Apparently Uinta is the only brewery in the area to have them. Sum'r should be in grocery stores in the next week or two. Cheers!
Very nice. Do we know the ABV on this? I'm hoping this is quite hoppy. Four+ is doing some cool stuff.
Since it's in the grocery stores 4.0%abv. is a solid guess.
Oops I missed that connection. I can't function well without beer (and perhaps with it). Also, it looks like the Mirror Pond Pale Ale and the Black Butte should be in town soon, they are both on the DABC list.
I noticed that today also. Hopefully very soon.
Hopefully the beer is better than the label!
Hopefully, you stop sounding like you're jealous you dont have any labels!
I've homebrewed with sorachi ace a few times and it's an interesting hop. Can't wait to try the Sum'r.
is this out yet? Where can I get it? Looked at the Draper store and didn't see it yet...
Yeah I looked at Smiths and a no go yet. It should be in grocery stores only. Maybe at Albertsons?
I was at Uinta Yesterday, It's being bottled as I write this. It's supposed to be in the stores in about a week and a half. Cheers!
Drinking a sum'r now (5/24). It reminds me of a lighter Kirin. It is very refreshing but will probably disappoint you hop-heads.
Where is this available at?
I'll answer my own question: at Albertson's.
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