Utah Brewery Map

Friday, August 17, 2012

New Beer Friday 8/17/12

Three new beers today! First off is MacPelican Scottish style ale. The nose is grainy and sweet with herbal and earthy hop. Caramel, burnt brown sugar and cereal grains are prominently featured, while hints of molasses and white chocolate appear nown and again. Earthy hops linger in the finish. It's rather creamy in spite of the substantial bitter streak running through it. This is a brew that goes down quite easily. While it's not boozy at all, it drinks like a big beer. 5% beer. @BeerHive

The next two are from Widmer's Omission line and are gluten reduced just like Wasatch's Glutenous Minimus. The first is Omission Lager. Pours a light fizzy almost one finger head that fades fairly quickly over crystal clear watery honey golden color. The nose has a big crisp fruity lager, quite fruity but some typical lager and some over fruity, light malts. The taste has a light honey flavor, light golden toasty malt like profile witht a hint of sweetness. Light grassy hops round out the finish. Overall not bad, light overall but quite drinkable

Next is Omission Pale Ale. The nose is of yeast bread, citrus fruits and apple. The taste starts with citrus zest, pine, earth and floral qualities. The Barley/wheat come next. Yeast bread and light fruits hang around on the palate. Somewhat nutty in the end. As far as a Pale Ale goes, this is pretty good.

Reminder: The new Roosters beers are out (Niner Bock & Argo ESB) and RedRock's Cohoperation returns today as well.



DC said...

Hey Mikey: Guess we forgot to tell you that the Marzen in the Fest Devious is back out this week. See what happens when you take vacation. Cheers!

Mikey said...

Love that damn Märzen, Dave. I'll be by soon.

Also I forgot to mention that the Omission beers are at the Bayou and should be showing up in the liquor stores as soon as the powers that be get around to it.


Douglas said...

More beer is always welcome!