Utah Brewery Map

Monday, August 20, 2012

2012 Beehive Brew Off Winners

Congratulatuions To all of the winners of the 2012 Beehive Brew off. There were 595 beers entered this year and from where I sat many were of incredible quality. Much thanks to Jamie Burnham and the Beer Nut Staff for putting on a great event. Cheers!

Photo: Dave Watson

Best of Show
PlaceBrewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stBrad CooleyTempestuous4C: Schwarzbier
2ndAlex Lemieux, Jill MartinJill's Biere D'ete16D: Biere de Garde
3rdScott HuntKentucky Bluegrass2C: Classic American Pilsner

Table 1: (0901) 1 - Light Lager (9 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stJustin KingsfordDas DortmunderDortmunder Export
2ndKevin FoyHellesMunich Helles
3rdAlex LemieuxHoney Hole LagerStandard American Lager

Table 2: (2102) 2 - Pilsner (21 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stScott HuntKentucky BluegrassClassic American Pilsner
2ndJoshua NielsenLast Place Pilsner Rides Again!Classic American PilsnerN/a
3rdHans GrobergOld IronsideGerman Pilsner (Pils)

Table 3: (0801) 3 - Euro Amber Lager (8 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stMike MirabellaOktoberfestOktoberfest/Marzen
2ndTravis GrimmGrimmbrau FestbierOktoberfest/MarzenZz Hops
3rdBrian ColemanViennaVienna LagerNone

Table 5: (1301) 5 - Bock (13 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stScott HuntTigershark The PredatorDoppelbock
2ndTravis GrimmBockstar MaibockMaibock/Helles BockZz Hops
3rdAlex Lemieux2 Buck BockTraditional Bock

Table 6: (0901) 6a - Cream Ale (9 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stDavid PangCream AleCream Ale
2ndStephen WellsCream Ale (1.1)Cream AleHill Hoparazzi
3rdBrian ColemanCream AleCream AleNone

Table 7: (1301) 6b - Light Hybrid (13 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stRobert GlennSummer ShagBlonde Ale
2ndDavid DahlLove HammerBlonde AleDammit
3rdDavid BellSauvin BlondeBlonde Ale

Table 9: (1101) 6d - American Wheat (11 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stJosh TurnerHighland Park Wheat AleAmerican Wheat or Rye Beer
2ndLanny DerbyPorch SitterAmerican Wheat or Rye Beer
3rdAaron GeeryRye AleAmerican Wheat or Rye Beer

Table 10: (1502) 7 - Amber Hybrids (15 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stWeston BarkleyMongrelCalifornia Common BeerSnafu
2ndJustin KingsfordNot So CommonCalifornia Common Beer
3rdJustin KingsfordThe Amazing AltDusseldorf Altbier

Table 11: (1502) 8 - English Pale Ales (15 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stJared YoungYes (young's Extra Special)Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
2ndAaron CollisPilgrim's ProgressExtra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
3rdTom Shivers Plan Jane /ordinary BitterStandard/Ordinary BitterO- Town Hopheads

Table 12: (1502) 9 - Scottish & Irish Ales (15 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stMatthew WalkerBiscuits For Smut Strong Scotch Ale
2ndConor PapineauScrap ScotchStrong Scotch Ale
3rdConor PapineauBlood Of The FallenIrish Red Ale

Table 13: (3503) 10a - American Pale Ale (35 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stTommy LoprestoEmerson Pale AleAmerican Pale Ale
2ndJustin KingsfordJpaAmerican Pale Ale
3rdLanny DerbyAiming FluidAmerican Pale Ale

Table 14: (2002) 10b - American Amber Ale (20 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stSean MeeganOdie-licious AleAmerican Amber Ale
2ndJesse HenneferTriple Threat AmberAmerican Amber Ale
3rdRobert GlennMaster BlasterAmerican Amber Ale

Table 15: (1402) 10c - American Brown Ale (14 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stKyle RossmanYet Another Brown AleAmerican Brown Ale
2ndVince StuartTasty Who?American Brown AleThe Brewing Network
3rdWeston BryantMiquel's MarronAmerican Brown Ale

Table 16: (1001) 11 - English Brown Ale (10 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stDavid CuthbertBenny Hill Southern BrownSouthern English Brown Ale
2ndMarl RobinsonHazelnut IbaNorthern English Brown Ale
3rdBryan (troy) FairclothSouthern BrownSouthern English Brown Ale

Table 17: (1101) 12a - Brown Porter (11 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stTrent BangertDirty Chavez Brown PorterBrown PorterThe Brewing Network
2ndBrian ColemanBear Claw PorterBrown PorterNone
3rdWeston BarkleyCrankshaftBrown PorterSnafu

Table 18: (2102) 12b,c - Robust & Baltic Porter (21 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stNic BanksBrrp Big Robust Rye PorterRobust PorterZzhops
2ndDavo MahaffeyDavo's Yummie PorterBaltic PorterZzhops
3rdMichael JohnsonRobust PorterRobust PorterZzhops

Table 19: (2402) 13 - Stout (24 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stByron MortonDark MatterForeign Extra Stout
2ndScott HuntQuaker StoutsOatmeal Stout
3rdDavid BellStouty stout stoutDry Stout

Table 20: (1101) 13f - Imperial Stout (11 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stMichael PezelySesquacImperial StoutZzhops
2ndJen SantoroThe Five Toed CatImperial StoutSantoro Brewing
3rdMichael JohnsonRisImperial StoutZzhops

Table 21: (4404) 14 - India Pale Ale (44 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stLawrence OstroskiRose Park IpaAmerican IPA
2ndChris Campbell10 Year Anniversary IpaAmerican IPA
3rdBart HansenIbutifulAmerican IPAO Town Hop Heads

Table 22: (1702) 14c - Imperial Ipa (17 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stLawrence OstroskiSledgehopperImperial IPA
2ndDallas BarlowPan- Galactic Gargle BlasterImperial IPA
3rdJim LauscherCanadian I Pee, Eh? V10Imperial IPA

Table 23: (2503) 15, 16a - German Wheat And Rye + Witbier (25 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stMichael JohnsonWeizenWeizen/WeissbierZzhops
2ndMark RiffeZesty WitWitbier
3rdConor PapineauForgotten WeizenbockWeizenbock

Table 24: (0801) 16b,d - Belgian Pale And Biere De Garde (8 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stAlex LemieuxJill's Biere D'eteBiere de Garde
2ndChris CampbellG5 Belgian PaleBelgian Pale Ale
3rdJeremy LlewellynBpa5Belgian Pale Ale

Table 25: (2503) 16c - Saison (25 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stTom Shivers Why I Mow The Lawn SaisonSaisonO- Town Hopheads
2ndTyler MorkRadcraft SaisonSaison
3rdTroy KetterlingVewwy Vewwy Quiet SaisonSaison

Table 26: (1802) 16e - Belgian Specialty (18 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stChaz SmithTrappers Peppercorn FarmhouseBelgian Specialty Ale
2ndTrent BangertHopmonkBelgian Specialty AleThe Brewing Network
3rdMichael PezelyBelgian StoutBelgian Specialty AleZzhops

Table 27: (0901) 17 - Sour Ales (9 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stKyle CallisterOud BruinFlanders Brown Ale/Oud BruinThe Brewing Network
2ndMike HahnRaspberry CheerFruit LambicZzhops
3rdPat WinslowPleasing LambbicFruit LambicO-town Hop Heads

Table 28: (1602) 18 - Belgian Strong Ale (16 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stMichael JohnsonTripelBelgian TripelZzhops
2ndBrian ColemanTrippel FunBelgian TripelNone
3rdTroy JaskowskiBelgian DubbelBelgian DubbelZzhops

Table 29: (1402) 19 - Strong Ale (14 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stMike HahnOlde Crooked ToothEnglish BarleywineZzhops
2ndTrent BangertOld BeerbellyAmerican BarleywineThe Brewing Network
3rdBonnie BarlowOld Diabetes English Barleywine

Table 30: (1902) 20 - Fruit Beer (19 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stAlex LemieuxSmell My Pit Apricot BelgianFruit Beer
2ndConor PapineauNamaste Ipa #7Fruit Beer
3rdDallas BarlowThe Rose Colored QueenFruit Beer

Table 31: (2503) 21 - Spice/herb/vegetable Beer (25 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stDj BenwayC.p.p.a. Chilli Pepper Pale AleSpice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
2ndWeston BarkleyBullmilkSpice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerSnafu
3rdMichael AndersonLavender Honey WheatSpice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer

Table 32: (1402) 22 - Smoke And Wood Aged Beer (14 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stKyle CallisterRauchbierClassic RauchbierThe Brewing Network
2ndBradley LedbetterGhost ShipWood-Aged Beer
3rdKyle CallisterOaked BarleywineWood-Aged BeerThe Brewing Network

Table 33: (3303) 23 - Specialty Beer (33 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stKirk HofelingKbh Rye PaSpecialty Beer
2ndZach AdamsTriple W/bugsSpecialty BeerThe Brewing Network
3rdAlex LemieuxC-squared (imperial Cacao-coconut Porter)Specialty Beer

Table 34: (1201) 24, 25, 26 Meads (12 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stDirk HowardBlueberry Boston MeadOther Fruit MelomelCache Brewing Society
2ndJared WrightTraditional MeadSweet Mead
3rdMichael PezelyBehemothic BraggotBraggotZzhops

Table 35: (1201) 27 - Ciders (12 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stCraig TeerlinkCiderEnglish Cider
2ndMary Ellen ShiversTlc- Apple CiderOther Specialty Cider or Perry
3rdTom Shivers Ac/gc CiderOther Specialty Cider or PerryO- Town Hopheads

Table 36: (1301) 4 - Dark Lager (13 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stBrad CooleyTempestuousSchwarzbier
2ndTravis GrimmSchwarzhertzSchwarzbierZz Hops
3rdTravis GrimmDark Side DunkelMunich DunkelZz Hops

Table 37: (1301) 6c - Kolsh (13 entries)
Pl.Brewer(s)Entry NameStyleClub
1stTravis GrimmBi-polar BlondeKolschZz Hops
2ndMike HornerKolschKolsch
3rdAlex LemieuxHoney KolschKolsch


Dave Watson said...

Great competition! Thanks to everyone who helped out and congratulations to all the winners. Keep it up!

Jamie said...

Great competition! Let's aim for 800 entries next year! The comp may be held in August but it isn't too early to start perfecting your recipes and brewing now!

kent said...

Agreed, that was a whole lot of fun.

I know that was a lot of hard work Jamie and we really appreciate it.

Time to start playing with some recipes...

DJ said...

I'm glad I was able to participate, this was my first homebrew competition.

Unfortunately I was out of town during the awards but I'm sure it was a good time.

Anyway, congratulations to all the other winners, and most importantly the BOS winners.