Well frankly that just wasn't good enough for those of us who wanted more from this outstanding northwest brewery. So bars like Bayou and the Beerhive started placing special orders for some of their seasonal and more in demand beers.
The Bayou recently got in a huge order of Deschutes that'll satisfy any range of taste and help you get your Deschutes-gasm on. Here's what they got.
Black Butte Porter
Mirror Pond Pale Ale
Inversion IPA
Green Lakes Organic
Obsidian Stout
Bachelor ESB
Cascade Ale
Twilight Ale
Red Chair
Black Butte XXI
Mirror Mirror
I was quite fond of the Twilight Ale. It's low in abv's, about 5.0%. But full bodied and nicely hopped with a combo of four hops. Most noticeably Amarillo. Many of these are only seasonals and won't be around long.
Also returning from back-order-limbo are Anchor Brewing's Liberty Ale, Anchor Porter and Old Foghorn Barleywine. As well as Boulevard's Double Wide IPA and Saison-Brett.
Twilight is nice; I really like Green Lakes, too. Came home with a bunch of both from Evanston last weekend. It's cool that I'll still be able to get some when I run out...
I'll have what she is having!
-Mrs. Mikey
Hey Ed, Did you notice if Lagunitas' beers are still selling up there?
Honey, don't get any Ideas...
Did they get the Jubelale in already- it's a Winter seasonal? I can't wait for the Abyss!
At Discount Liquor: they had Lagunitas IPA, Censored, and Hop Stoopid -- and I think a couple more... can't remember what. Looked like they were out of Imperial Red for the year, unfortunately.
Excellent, thanks for the info Ed.
Douglas, the last time I was at Deschutes in July I think they told me Jubelale is not going to be relaesed until Oct 1st and Abyss won't be out until Mid-Nov.
Thanks Geoff. The Abyss is among my favorite beers, too bad I doubt we'll get any in the State Stores. I also love Dark Lord and the Darkness, but those two are more difficult to get. Either way, the beer scene here is improving a ton even with the stupid ABV limit on draft.
Mmmmm... Hop Stoopid. I love that stuff. I wish the liquor store sold Stone Brewery beers like Ruinition or Arrogant Bastard.
Let me plug Mirror Mirror as a really good barley wine. I once had a keg on tap in my bar back in Washington. It's basically the Mirror Pond recipe turned into a barley wine. One of my favorites!
Yeah Brian, It's a beautiful thing. I have some cellared even those it's perfect right now.
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