Märzenbiers are full-bodied, rich, toasty, typically dark copper in color with a medium to high alcohol content. There are quite a few good options out there right now for Utah beer drinkers and all are outstanding examples of the style.
Samuel Adams Octoberfest - Paulaner Oktoberfest-Märzen - Spaten Oktoberfestbier Ur-Märzen - Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen & Hoppers Märzen are all available right now.
But the one I want to talk about is Squatters Oktoberfest. This is the beer Squatters created to help celebrate their 20th Annibrewsary and man did they nail it!
Pours a warm orange brown color with a firm, creamy white head. The nose is full of clean toasty malts with a bit of subtle nutty character. The taste starts with lots of crisp, smokey malts, biscuit tones and a good citrusy hop twang. Vanilla, orange peel and a spices lingering towards the finish. The bitter hops meld with a slight malt smokiness into the after taste. Very well balanced and highly drinkable with an ABV of 5.5%. This is a great example of what Oktoberfest biers are all about.
Squatters Oktoberfest is available in 18oz bottles at Park City and the Downtown SLC Squatters locations. It is also available in a beautiful 1 liter flip top jug (shown above) for out the door sales. They'll be releasing 50 a week until they are gone(about 4 weeks worth). Please grab one! You'll be sad if you don't.
If there's a Märzen out there that I missed, please tell us about it!
Yeah, that is a very nice Oktoberfest. I'm loving all of the new releases, and I am waiting and anticipating the Fifth Element's glorious return!
I just returned from maternity leave and plan to taste the 5th Element barrels this week. I hope to release the 2nd batch by the end of November.
Sorry I have not been posting on my blog, I plan to start posting again tomorrow. The Oktoberfest should last about another 2-3 weeks so if you like the style, come in and drink! cheers, Jen
I had some last weekend and the Oktoberfest is damn good.
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