The Beehive Grill is a joint venture, partnering local entrepreneurs with Moab's restaurant success. The Beehive will be brewing beer but not the kind you might be thinking of. Craft sodas will be the signature menu item, with Moab's Ales and Lagers taking a back seat.
Jeff Van Horn, Brewmaster at the Moab Brewey has perfected the soda recipes over time and will be offering patrons root beer and other seasonal sodas as well as craft beer brought up from Moab's brewery in Moab.
The Beehive Grill will be located at 255 south Main St. in Logan, Utah and is scheduled to open in mid-June.
I think this is a bit of a missed opportunity for Moab Brewing. I guess we'll see how it evolves. At least USU students will have craft sodas to play "Root Beer Pong" with.... Cheers.
Thanks to Chad Tarvin for posting the original info.
This is really disappointing after being told this city would finally allow a brewpub to establish. I'm not going to spend a penny at this place. It will be out of business as fast as its predecessor, the Blackstone restaurant. Sorry to be so cynical, but this is pretty typical up here.
I'm excited for The Beehive Grill to open. I think it will be a fantastic place and a great atmosphere to eat. Me and my family can't wait for it to open and my kid's can't wait for the Root Beer and the Arco Delicato Gelato Ice Cream.
This will certainly be an interesting social experiment. Rootbeer, icecream, and ... weak beer? My expectation is that this place has the potential to become wildly popular among locals. In fact, so popular that they'll end up dropping the token beer gig altogether so as not to offend all of the family-oriented patrons. The main thing that will keep the family crowd away in general is not the beer, but the expense. Just as the case was with the previous Blackstone Grill, the people they are trying to attract with the icecream and soda will have just spent too much money at the new south walmart to have extra cash for an expensive burger and fancy icecream.
With all of that said, I can see that such tactics may be necessary to stay in business here. Moreover, a single act alone will easily entice a large crowd of my own friends on a weekly basis: high gravity beer. Moab has it now, and even if they have to ship it all the way up here, that will keep this place from becoming a family-friendly version of the White Owl. I personally don't visit the owl very often because they don't offer quality beer (under their tavern license), and I certainly won't endure screaming kids and more pitiful Utah service for a soapy mediocre 3.2 draft. Even if it is within walking distance of my house.
If Beehive can offer quality beer, then I'll go; it's that simple. If not, then I'll keep wishing in one hand that a real brewery will come to town.
I noticed the B.H. Grill was open so what the heck we tried it. We both had a chicken plate. I don't know what they were smokin' but it wasn't the Texas chicken. There was 0 smoke flavor in that 1/2 chicken I tried to eat. The moisture content was akin to a soda cracker. It mast have been sitting in some warmer for hours prior to my order. The wifes Teriyaki was just as dry. Pretty pricy for such fare. They did cut the tab in half after my comments to the manager. Go back, nah, not any time soon anyway. Not a beer drinker, but I do know moist, tender chicken and they didn't have it.
We moved to Logan about 2 years ago and were instantly attracted to the beehive. As a military family, we've moved all over and the standard in service can obviously vary from restaurant to restaurant. We used to be huge fans of the Beehive. In fact, we used to go once a week as a date night (that's about 27 times at least we've been there). However, over the past year or so, the service has seriously declined and so has the food.
If you are new to the area, it can have a serious appeal as the Roadhouse is almost always packed. However, most of the time the waitresses don't even know their own menu. We had one waitress who literally argued with us about whether or not they have root beer...(they make it in house). Other waitresses have been lackwitted, slow and generally unfriendly. We're never impressed with the service, and those customer comment cards ARE discussed, but not with their boss. The waitresses watch you put the card into the box, and then gossip about the comments you wrote.
We stopped going there because last time we overheard a couple of the waitresses gossiping about a negative comment card. They were pretty much talking bad about the customer and not even paying attention to what was written on the card. Those cards are NOT used to improve the quality of their service, but used as a way for them to talk bad about their customers. They don't care what opinions you have on their lack of service (etc).
As per the food, it really varies depending on the chef you get. Sometimes it's okay, other times you have to send it back because it was cooked incorrectly. (I had raw salmon once and sent it back...the waitress gave my husband attitude about it) I would suggest eating their clam chowder, as it is almost always good (be careful of extra oil that floats to the top, not very appealing).
If you bring your family and request a booth, they almost always ignore your request and sit you in the back. They treat you like second class citizens because god forbid you have children with you. Half the time they forget to give them crayons to play with, and they almost always sit you near the loud obnoxious tables. My kids are well behaved in public, don't make a huge mess (well they are kids right?), and we always tip over 15% regardless of the kids being with us. However, this restaurant treats us like garbage everytime we go with our kids. It's sad when your children are placed in the reject section and still are the best behaved.
This was another reason why we picked the Roadhouse over the Beehive. Next time you are out, try to compare the two in service, food, and general attitude. This is why we decided to stop going to the Beehive. It was not worth the money, and the Roadhouse seems to be. (No, I don't work for the Roadhouse but it's much much better overall) We're still trying to figure out why the Beehive went down in just about every aspect, in less then one year. It used to be really good, now it's just...ew.
PS. Check their menu one day, it says down at the bottom that a 15% tip is considered polite. What kind of restaurant reminds their customers how much they should tip? Shouldn't the tip be up to how well the waitress/es do their job? Why is it even on the menu?
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