While the ingredients aren't grown on sight, Radius is made with ingredients grown within 150 miles of the Wasatch Front. Brewmaster Chris Haas says he found the malt just over the state line in Idaho and the hops were picked locally.
Radius is a "harvest" or "green hopped" golden ale and it's extremely hoppy. Chris only makes it once a year and it goes fast. As I was quick to find out last year.
Photo: courtesy Aubrey Sun
Both the Black Butte XXI and Mirror Mirror Barley Wine are at the State Store! They are 50% more expensive in Utah (15$ instead of 10$) but still, it's awesome. This means that the Abyss will most certainly be here in a few months!
That's what I'm taliking about! Thanks for the great find Dougie!
Eric deserves the credit, he can smell a 10% Imperial Porter from 10 miles away! Also, I asked about the Ayinger Weizen Bock, they do indeed have some in the system, but haven't distributed them yet. I suspect we will see some soon.
What the Hell??? That Weizen Bock has been in the system forever! Chop-chop DABC, let's get in in gear!
Doug and Mikey,
Talked to Barbara about the Weizen Bock today also. There are cases at the warehouse supposedly but they haven't been transfered out yet. We are trying to get some over to the club store for our order tomorrow. Will let you know if we get it.
Very cool, Thanks Mark!
God I fucking hate Utah sometimes. It's not fair that our fellow Americans in normal states don't have to deal with a shitty state system just for their friggin beer, and here we are stuck with whatever our DABC overlords decide is ok for us, and on their terms and schedule. What a joke.
And of course we have to listen to all the Republicans here blabber on and on about how they love liberty and freedom and small government while we wait around for the state booze warehouse to get their shit together. Sorry to rant on your blog like this, but every now and then I realize how much it really does irritate me and have to get it off my chest.
Rant-away! That's what we do here. It's infuriating to me that this weizen bock has been sitting around for weeks or months unavailable to purchase.
It's a valid point to argue that so-called free-market capitalists also defend a system of socialized beer and liquor distribution. Many people in the DABC are working hard and doing the best they can with the system they have, but we can surely dream 'big' for a normal situation. Case in point: College Liquors in Grand Junction, they have maybe 6 times the beer that DABC carries in a town 1/10 the size. They are run by motivated people who work hard to get new beer in. Despite the fact that some of the state employees are indeed hardworking, I doubt that anyone in the DABC is trying to get new beer into Utah. Instead, we rely on Mark and Del to do so.
Douglas: shh. Stop giving away my secret beer sources. I'll be visiting College Liquors this week, if everything goes as planned...
Andy, how about picking me up a 090909 Stone vertical? In the heat of the moment I missed it when I went down.
Dos, por favor!
Aren't you glad you said somthing, Andy? :)
Jiminy Christmas, I should open a bootlegging business! Think of the potential earnings! I'll see what I can do. I'm not sure whether I'll have time to get down there during fall break or not, but I sure hope so.
Andy, all you need is a Burt Reynolds mustache and a '78 Trans Am (aka Smokey & the Bandit). And your golden, Bro!
Beer's here.
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