This is a pretty cool beer. The Estate Ale is one of the worlds only estate-made beers, brewed with 100% all-natural, hops and barley grown on-site at the brewery in Chico, CA. Cost is $7.74 per bomber.
I imagine these are flying off the shelves, you'd better get on it.
I'm on it. Thanks for the info Mikey. I talked to Moab's Brewer Jeff yesterday, and he said a new batch of the Black Imperial IPA is going to be made shortly! The Triple is still available in Moab and the Scotch Ale will be shortly.
This isn't in the stores yet, but hopefully within a few weeks (at least not in the State Wine Store yet- did anyone see it?).
I had a chance to drink the Estate on draft at Falling Rock in Colorado during GABF. It's fabulous and I strongly suggest snagging some of it before it's gone. Very limited supply and very worth it! Cheers Sierra Nevada!
Not to usurp this thread for my own devious use but we did just get in a large order of Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA. Man is it tasty. Don't know why it took us so long.
Just talked to Barbara at the club store and she shows a bunch of the harvest on order but none in the system anywhere. She is going to call me as soon at it shows up but as of right now it doesn't look like it has made it out anywhere.
Do you know who the source was on it being out? Was it a hiver. Were they drinking :-)
Stopped at the Bayou tonight and had some Torpedo IPA's. It's an excellent IPA. Can't wait to try the Estate when it escapes the clutches of the DABC overlords.
Anyone seen this yet?
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