This beer has been called one of the "finest pale ale available nationally." There is a chance that we will be seeing this beer on a more regular basis. For now, 5 cases is all we have and they're all at the Bayou.
Pours a chill-hazed amber-red with a good two fingers of off-white head that dissipated quickly. The nose is of light grapefruit, tangerine and some florals with a little caramel in back. The taste starts with nutty caramel, a touch of citrus peel. Next comes earthy pine notes mixed with brown sugar. Finishes on the bitter side. At 5.5% abv this is an extremely drinkable session ale. 5 cases won't last long.
And I'm just going to throw this out there and see who bites. I'm toying with the idea of putting together a "Holiday Beer Tasting". I though it might be fun to get ya'll in the same room put some faces to your names and enjoy some good beer.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in please leave a noncommittal "Yea" or "Nay" in the comments along with a preferred Friday or Saturday in December and we'll get the ball rolling.
Sounds cool. Any Saturday works for me.
Sounds cool to me. Can't guarantee I'd make it, but any Friday or Saturday except the 25th would probably be fine for me.
I'm always up for beer, but I'll be in Pittsburgh from the 16-28th.
I'll bail on work anytime with an "emergency." Don't tell anyone :-)
Yay! Any Saturday.
Most Fridays or Saturdays are good for me.
Tried the Red Seal this past Friday and it was very good.
What about December 11 or 12? And where? My place is way too small.
Great idea, 11th or 12th works well.
Had this here in Portland...and I might add it's very very good.
Location wise, I'd vote for the Beerhive...maybe we could get Del to set aside the basement for us?
Sounds good to me.
Great idea! Lets do it.
Okay, it's looking like Dec. 11 or 12. Possibly at the Beerhive. Any other location suggestion?
Mikey, That weekend so far looks good for me too. I will say that, having a tasting at the beerhive could present some problems, based on what your idea truly entails. If you are talking about just getting everyone together and just enjoying some great beer than I think it is a great local.
However if your idea involves people bringing some beers for sampling that are not available through the state than we cannot do it at the Beerhive. Since beers not available through the state are actually illegal in Utah than we cannot bring them into a state licensed establishment. While I know Del probably would not have problem with this, I just don't like the idea of putting him in that position. Anyway, sorry to be the devil's advocate.
I do think however there are plenty of fantastic beers available here in the state and I think the Beerhive would be a great place to meet, chat and share great beers.
I'm in of course.
Geoff as usual makes a good point. There's no need to restrict our enjoyment because of the venue, so I will look into a private place where the beer can flow.
^ I think we're getting close to a solution. The beer shall be flowing.
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