Right now, believe it or not. "I am over beer"! - Nothing until this weekend. which is where I'm headed with this post.
Friday is the first ever Big Ass Holiday Beer Tasting. If you haven't RSVP'd please do so soon so I can get an accurate head count.
Now remember, your entry is a nice bottle of beer to share with the group (22oz). Earlier I had asked for people to bring extra beer. That is no longer the case. I think we will have a sufficient amount of beer to cover it. The home brew is still absolutely welcome.
There will be food there, but if you want to bring something please feel free.
Questions or RSVP me here at utahbeer@gmail.com
The location is a bit tricky once you get to Irving Schoolhouse, so hopefully everyone will RSVP with Mikey and get his number in case they can't find the party area. It's going to be a blast.
Also, if anyone is unsure what to bring, Samuel Adams Utopias is in the 3rd east wine store. Just 220 dollars!
Perfect Douglas I was looking for something special. ;)
I was at the Yard House in San Diego this past weekend. They have Utopias, $20 for two ounces. FYI.
I'd like to try it, and really it is amazing to get the ABV over 20% without icing it.
I had a sample of Utopias a few years ago at GABF. I thought it was real good.
I had a sample of Utopias a few years ago at GABF. I thought it was real good.
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