Bohemian is all about tradition and they make some of the most authentic tasting lagers you'll find brewed in the states.
Last November the Bohemian crew brewed up their 1000th brew and will be tapping it tomorrow; December 14th to share with all of those who care to come by.
Besides the specially priced beer, look for prizes and a general great time. Hope to see you there.
Also, Id like to thanks everyone who made it out to the Holiday Tasting last Friday. We were all blown away by the turnout. We estimate that there were 40-45 people in attendance and had nearly double that amount with great, rare beers from all over the world.
Id especially like to thank our local brewers who attended, the home brew clubs, Eric(host), Doug, Geoff, Kevin(for fetch'n the gasket) and Mrs. Mikey.
We couldn't have done it without everyone's great enthusiasm and passion for great beer. I think we might be able to pull this off again... What do you think?
I posted photos on my Facebook page and a few at UtahBeer's Facebook page if you care to check them out.
Cheers to you all!
The festival was amazing (that was much more than a tasting). Thanks for organizing it Mikey, the beer was great, and damn that Elk Sausage was heavenly! Thanks to Eric for hosting, and everyone who I stole beer from! It was a blast. I can't wait till next time.
I completely agree Douglas. That was a blast. I was amazed at the turnout and the generosity of everyone. There were so many rare and amazing beers. It was also great to make new friends and reconnect with old ones. Thank you for all the hard work Mikey and Mrs. Mikey. And a huge thanks to our host.
I see some scofflaw imported Arrogant Bastard into the state. Strong work, whoever it was.
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