Utah Brewery Map

Monday, February 29, 2016

4th West Fest

Let's face it, we live in a strange little geometric square of the United States. I know... I'm not blowing any minds with that statement, but the tapestry of odd choices that happen within our boarders can just smoke a fragile mind like mind. For instance - Holidays. If a holiday falls on a Sunday (less Christmas) it gets reallocated to a new day. The 3rd of July holds a particular special place in heart.

And then of course there's St. Patrick's Day - this holiday's parade gets reassigned to Saturday every year no matter what day it falls on. Now, I get it. I completely understand the reasoning - it's due to the fact that our fair city just doesn't have population or the enthusiasm that most lager cities do - plus 400 West, the designated street for the parade is right next to West High School.

By the way Cheers to Utah's Hibernian Society for keeping this tradition alive.

Alright, now that I've sorta explained why St. Patrick's will come to Utah six days early this year - we can now talk about a special party that will help continue the parade's festivities after it has ended.

4th West Fest is a collaboration between RedRock Brewing Company and Mountain West Hard Cider - both of which just happen to to have addresses on 400 West. After the St. Patrick's Parade join these two fine adult beverage makers for live music, entertainment, games, food, cider, beer, and fun for all ages. 

Hey, If you can't play on the actual holiday, this seems like the perfect post parade activity!

Swagger will be performing from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm!

The Cluck Truck, Urban Press Truck, Waffle Wagon, and Fiiz Drinks will be serving up grub and beverages. And of course, Mountain West Hard Cider and Red Rock Brewing will have that stuff you really want....

Admission is free to the general public, and don't worry, it's happening rain or shine!

I hope to see you there.


1 comment:

RoadKill said...

Have fun all you vagabonds! I'll be pub crawling on the real holiday Thursday the 17th in downtown Salt Lake meeting up at Beerhive about noon. If I was in town, I would also attend this fine event as well! Happy St. Patty's Day to all of you! Slainte!