You'd think that four days of drinking craft beer would be a hell of way to spend a week...
Well damn-it! it was... for the most part, but some of that shit ain't easy (malt liquor) especially when your using terms like Diacetyl, Dimethyl Sulfide and Fusel Alcohols to describe whatever the hell it is that your tasting.
Now for those of you that don't know, Diacetyl means
tastes and smells like butter or butterscotch. Dimethyl Sulfide or "DMS" is
an off-flavor or aroma that resembles corn or cooked vegetables and Fusel Alcohols is
an alcoholic harshness or "hotness" in the beer.Now why we could all just say "Butter - Cooked Veggies - Boozy" is beyond me... Oh what the
hell. When you go to Vulcan you learn to speak Vulcan I guess.
I learned a lot, everyone was great and we even had a few "spirited" debates over taste vs. style. The Utah contingent numbered in the dozens and it was a pleasure to get "shitty" with
each and everyone of you... Even you Michael!
Well you should be proud of our local brewers, as usual they held their own in spite of some
pretty outstanding competition. 90% of what Utah brewers won with was good ol' 4.0% Utah beer. So if any of the following are new to you, go out and try them. If not, they're well worth re-visiting. Here are the medalist from Utah. Category first, then winning beer.
And here's a link to all the 2009 medalists. Prost!Bohemian BreweryGold: Bohemian Pilsner -
Czech PilsSilver: Dortmunder/Export/Marzen -
Viennese LagerDesert Edge BrewerySilver: California Common/Rye Beer -
Road Rage RyeBronze: Ordinary Bitter -
Red Butte BitterHoppers Grill & Brewing Co.Gold: German Pilsner -
This is the PilsenerGold: Irish Red Ale -
McGee's Red AleRedrock Brewing CompanySilver: Altbier -
Northern German BrownBronze: Bohemian Pilsner -
Czech PilsnerUinta Brewing Co.Gold: Schwarzbier (Black Beer) -
Kings Peak PorterSilver: American Barley Wine -
Anniversary Barley WineBronze: California Common/Rye Beer -
GelandeUtah Brewers CooperativeGold: Belgian Wit (White) -
Wasatch White LabelSilver: Fruit Beers -
Wasatch Apricot HefeGold: Ordinary Bitter -
Squatters Organic Amber