As if you didn't have enough new beer options Desert Edge had to come along and give you All the Way Alt. This is a tasty German style ale,"Alt", with a copper color and slightly bitter and dry finish. There is a bit of toasted flavor in the finish as well. They also have on tap Downtown Nut Brown, although not for long. It is almost out. As well we have the Holiday Raspberry Stout and the Augustus Amber Ale.
If your thinking about getting some Outer Darkness or Paardebloem you'd better get on it. Both are flying out of their respective breweries. In the time I was at Squatters on Monday evening I watched at least eight cases walk out the door, and that's just when I was there.
If your wondering if you'll like O.D., it pores a thick, opaque ebony color with a good two fingers of dark copper colored foam.
The nose was heavy with coffee, chocolate, licorice and a hint of vanilla. Definite alcohol perfume in the end.
The taste starts with Chocolate covered raisins, followed by some underlying dark fruits. The sweetness fades into big roasted coffee and cocoa and finished up with a nice roasted vanilla malt taste.
The alcohol is noticeable but it doesn’t taste like a 10.5% beer. An amazing, full and complex Imperial Stout. The mouthfeel is thick and rich, you really get a sense for how heavy all of the ingredients are as you swish it around.
This has to be one of my favorite Utah beers of all time. The chocolate and coffee flavors are balanced perfectly. Best enjoyed in small sips where you can really savor and appreciate the great flavor and artistry in the brew.
Happy Holidays & Cheers!